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Ranking the Cosmere Novels

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1. Words of Radiance (Kaladin flying and fighting Szeth is one of the most epic things ever)

2. Final Empire (It's just so good)

3. Way of Kings

4. Hero of Ages

5. Elantris (My first Brandon Sanderson book about 2 months ago. Great characters, great writing style. Just so darn fresh.)

6. Alloy of Law

7. Bands of Mourning (that epilogue though O_O)

8. Shadows of Self

9. Well of Ascension

10. Warbreaker (a very good book all the way through... until the last few pages. So meh. Brandon even says in the annotations that he thinks it might be anticlimactic and I just nod my head and say "yes, very much". Love Lightsong and his climax a lot though)

This is really hard to do! It's like when people say they don't like a particular Pixar movie and what they really mean is "I still like it better than any non-Pixar animated movie". These books are all well above any other fantasy or sci-fi I've ever read so saying "I don't like Warbreaker much" just means I absolutely love it slighty less than another Sanderson book.

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Bonus! Not a novel but The Emperor's Soul is easily my favorite cosmere work

1. Words of Radiance

2. The Alloy of Law

3. The Final Empire

4. The Hero of Ages...Likely would be #2 but I accidentally read the ending when I was 12 and my dad checked it out and never forgot it so i absolutely spoiled it for myself

5. The Way of Kings

6. Shadows of Self

7. Bands of Mourning

8. Warbreaker

9. The Well of Ascension

9. Elantris


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1. Words of Radiance
2. Bands of Mourning
3. Way of Kings
4. Warbreaker
5. Hero of Ages
6. Shadows of Self
7. Alloy of Law
8. Shadows for Silence
9. The Emperor's Soul
10. Elantris


I think this list might basically be a list of how much I screamed/cried out loud while reading from top to bottom. I'm pretty expressive when I get invested in good books. A lot of these are on the same rating really. It's very hard to rate!

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1. Words of Radiance

2.  Final Empire 

3. Way of Kings

4. Hero of Ages

5. Shadow of Self 

6. Well of Ascension

7. Bands of Mourning

8. Alloy of Law

BoM and AoL are at the end because I wish all the Mistborn Era 2 books had been split up differently. Maybe I'm just used to the Sanderson Epics, but I finished Alloy of Law not really knowing why I should 'care', and it was only until towards the end of Shadow of Self did I feel invested. 

I have not read Elantris or Warbreaker yet, I'm debating delving into them before my TWoK and WoR rereads before Oathbringer is officially released. 


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On 22 August 2017 at 5:17 AM, Taliax said:

5. Final Empire (because Kelsier

Final Empire Is probably my favourite novel. Kelsier is my favourite fictional character ever (beside Boromir) and although I was heartbroken at his death, I'm glad Sanderson had the decency to make it an epic and honourable one (I'm glaring at you George R.R. Martin!)

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1. Final Empire ('cause Kel)

2. Hero of Ages (A book with lots of Elend in it, and now my tears too...)

3. Words of Radiance

4. Warbreaker

5. Way of Kings

6. Well of Ascension

7.Bands of Mourning

8. Elantris

9. Shadows of Self

10. Alloy of Law

11. White Sand


Short Stories:

1. Emperor's Soul 

2. Secret History (the sounds of my screams is now embedded into my Kindle)

3. Allomancer Jak (Hilarious story, loved every word and annotation)

3. Sixth of the Dusk

4. Shadows for Silence

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