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The Shardslayer

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Dust streamed off his skin into the mists around him, making strange swirly shapes in the night.

He had shed his cloak, his scarf and his mask, and wore nothing but a pair of thick pants and the metal bands around his joints. It really irritated him to hide his nature, when he had been a prideful, even condescending creature before his curse. The bands around his elbows and knees served to keep the flesh from deteriorating there, giving him precious weeks of precious mobility. The winds blew at his naked torso in ferocity to rival the Highstorms of Roshar, but he did not feel them. Highstorms had not provided him with any sort of challenge, and this won't either; the nerves in his skin had been turned to dust and scattered by the wind onto his path. He did not know which planet he would find them on, if they could be found at all, nor did he even keep count of the stops he made on his quest across the Cosmere. He only kept within his mind Yolen, the planet on which he had lost all, and Adonalsium, the one who had cursed him.

The world had long since moved on. The Shattering had occurred – he was there to see it, it was a pleasing scene – and the Shards had spread about the Cosmere, Investing in all sorts of planets and people. Planets had fallen and risen, Shards had shattered and conquered, Slivers had been formed and champions had been defeated. Nothing had affected his quest.

It did not matter if Adonalsium had Shattered. The Shards were, in essence, Adonalsium Himself. They were all targets.

They will all die by his hand.

His name had long since been lost to the endless cycle of eons, and he had carved his mark upon the face of many planets in the Cosmere. When he had been hunting Surgebinders – heathen, holders of a dark, corrupted sliver of power – they knew him as the Herald Nale. When he had been busy waging wars against Edgli, tearing Nalthis apart, they knew him as Kalad. When he had volunteered himself as Ruin’s champion, they named his Marsh. When he made his presence known in Vax, they dubbed him the Shardslayer. It was a name that will stay with him until he completed his mission.



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