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Hello, fellow members! 

I should apparently introduce myself to let all of you know that I exist (do I, really? does it even matter?), so here it goes - 

I'm just a simple socially deprived bacteria (bacterium?) that wants to talk about all things Cosmere and maybe make some Cosmere aware friends.

Because facebook groups aren't good enough anymore.


My natural habitat is anywhere near food; you can usually find me wearing a leather jacket and a slightly annoyed facial expresion, riding a unicorn...I mean, a pony.

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Welcome to the Shard! Here, have an upvote! Why don't you follow me to The Dark Alley so that we can give you cookies to make you a Bendalloy compounder (to help you with all your food problems). 

I would like to see you get some geniusing done and come up with some cool theories and stuff. 

Edited by Zennix
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Oooohhh cookiesss!!!

Bendalloy compounding would be awesome. But I'd rather be able to metabolize food into stormlight, like Lift is.

Or maybe both.

Can someone be a surgebinder AND a misting?

But being able to eat nonstop I'd probably eat through my allowance in like 3 days :D


I'm also trying not to do that much of cosmere-related geniusing. It tends to break my brain and leave me staring into the wall mumbling incomprehensible stuff to myself :D 

Edited by Staphylococcus
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1 minute ago, Meannadarie said:

Hi! Hi! Hi! So glad to be on here (new member for like 10 minutes, ha!) You both are so clever, I'm not even going to attempt to play along with your banter, but it's fun to read! *insert clever quip here*


Welcome to the Shard. It isn't that difficult. You only need to apply some Wayne logic (meaning, you just say the first thing that comes to mind. It doesn't have to make any sense). :P

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Hi Meannadarie!!! Nice to meet you! I've been here for maybe an hour sooo... :D 

And don't worry, I've been looking for a way to reply to comments for, like, 15 minutes or so? Hasn't found a way. So hopefully there isn't one and this is the proper way to do it???

Also, I'm not as clever as I think I am, I just like to overthink stuff. :D

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5 minutes ago, Meannadarie said:

...also, apparently I need to REALLY brush up on my tech skills. I posted a "get to know you" reply as a whole new thread because I didn't know what I was doing. Whoops!

Don't worry. Every new member is advised to have an introduction thread. 

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Whew! I'm really good at saying the first thing that comes to mind. In fact I still get teased for telling my husband he was too smart to be a cop...in front of his friend who had just applied to the police academy! Ha ha! Then I tried to back peddle, "I mean, it's good for you, but Matt is really smart and would be wasted there...people who can, should do more and use their brains" Yeah, he never came over again.

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1 minute ago, Meannadarie said:

Whew! I'm really good at saying the first thing that comes to mind. In fact I still get teased for telling my husband he was too smart to be a cop...in front of his friend who had just applied to the police academy! Ha ha! Then I tried to back peddle, "I mean, it's good for you, but Matt is really smart and would be wasted there...people who can, should do more and use their brains" Yeah, he never came over again.

Oh, I do this to people all the time :D

Especially my teachers. 

That can get embarassing :D

Glad I'm not the only one...

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3 minutes ago, Meannadarie said:

Whew! I'm really good at saying the first thing that comes to mind. In fact I still get teased for telling my husband he was too smart to be a cop...in front of his friend who had just applied to the police academy! Ha ha! Then I tried to back peddle, "I mean, it's good for you, but Matt is really smart and would be wasted there...people who can, should do more and use their brains" Yeah, he never came over again.

Then you definitely don't need more Wayne logic.

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2 minutes ago, Meannadarie said:

Right??? Ha ha! I'm hoping maybe I'll learn to think before I talk, just a smidge more. I'm 36 though...I may be set in my ways. Yikes!

I don't really know if it's better or worse the older you are :D

But you can be yourself here with us. We don't mind. You can add two and two and get a pickle.


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2 hours ago, Zennix said:

Welcome to the Shard! Here, have an upvote! Why don't you follow me to The Dark Alley so that we can give you cookies to make you a Bendalloy compounder (to help you with all your food problems). 

I would like to see you get some geniusing done and come up with some cool theories and stuff. 

I just clicked on the Dark Alley thread you linked up there. I laughed so hard :D

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Just now, Zennix said:

I'm glad you liked it. We have a noble cause. It's a philanthropic group that cares about the nutritional an spiritual well-being of 17th Sharders. 

I saw there was hemalurgic spikes chocolate croissants involved, so, yeah, I strongly support your case.

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11 hours ago, Meannadarie said:

Whew! I'm really good at saying the first thing that comes to mind. In fact I still get teased for telling my husband he was too smart to be a cop...in front of his friend who had just applied to the police academy! Ha ha! Then I tried to back peddle, "I mean, it's good for you, but Matt is really smart and would be wasted there...people who can, should do more and use their brains" Yeah, he never came over again.

Kindred spirits perhaps? I once made almost the same quip, except it was in a room full of fresh academy graduates that got completely quiet a half second before I said it. I made no friends that day. 

It's my experience that they are a bunch of lock stepping arseholes with the same haircut, barbed wire tattoos, and cheap sunglasses. 

No, I'm not bitter at all.... Lol

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AngelEy3, it's nice to know I'm not alone. One of my best friend's favorite things to say to me in high school was "Dee, we really need to find you some chocolate boots..." You know, so it would at least taste good when I shoved my foot in my mouth! 

I can't believe you said that with a room full of academy grads! Oh, man...ha ha. One of the reasons I didn't want my husband to be a cop was because I didn't want to encourage his arseholey side, as you put it. Lol. Thankfully, he chose a different career. I have many friends that are cops, my dad worked as a detention officer for 20+ years. It just wasn't a good fit for my husband. (Look at me...middle child much)

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