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Crazy scenarios caused by twin born compounding

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After the introduction of twinborn,  half misting half ferring,  there has been a more known phenomenon called compounding. Compounding, for all effective purposes, grants infinite Feruchemical stores. This causes some crazy stuff, all listed below. Now we just have to hope there are no more Hundredlifes

Iron: Weight. Becoming earth/stadia shattering heavy, sinking to the core, or causing a black hole

Steel: Speed. Flash style infinite mass punch, movement past lightspeed. 

Pewter: Strength. Breaking Scandia by intense strength.  

Tin: Senses. Daredevil style perception. 

Zinc: Mental Speed. Thinking faster than the speed of light

Brass: Warmth. Becoming a star/big bang.

Copper: Memory. Nothing

Bronze: Wakefulness.  Obvious. 

Chromium: Luck. THIS IS A PROBLEM. Having infinite luck is akin to having reality manipulation powers. You can dues ex machina out of everything. 

Nicrosil: Investiture. Imagine using normal allomancy times by an infinite amount, hm hope you aren't spiked and have pewter or Steel or anything. You know how a delurumin push works, imagine that but times infinite and with low metal consumption.  

Aluminum: Identity. ???

Duralumin: Connection. Everyone will trust you and follow your every command. Imagine infinite charisma

Cadmium: Breath.  Obvious

Bendalloy: Energy.  Obvious

Gold: Health.  Practical Immorality

Electrum: Determination.  Obvious


Think on what would happen with infinite of any of these

And tell me in reply

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