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Lord Bookwyrm

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Is the harmsway related to Gold in Feruchemy? Can liquid metals like mercury be alloyed with God metals to create new allomantic metals? If everyone is related (2nd Era Mistborn), then why isn't everyone an allomancer? I started reading Brandon Sanderson last month, and it was great (it still is)!

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Welcome, @Valette Renaitre! Other than the Reckoners and Mistborn, what other Sanderson books have you read? Have you heard of the cosmere? I hope you're having a great time discovering the fandom. Allow me to answer your questions one by one.

2 hours ago, Valette Renaitre said:

Is the harmsway related to Gold in Feruchemy?

The Reckoners series is not related to the Mistborn series, but Sanderson has other books that are set in the same fictional universe (though not the same planet) as Mistborn. This fictional universe (well technically just a dwarf galaxy) is called the cosmere. The cosmere books include the Mistborn series, the Stormlight Archive, Warbreaker, Elantris, White Sand, and the short story collection Arcanum Unbounded.

The Reckoners (along with all other books set on Earth) is not part of the cosmere.


2 hours ago, Valette Renaitre said:

Can liquid metals like mercury be alloyed with God metals to create new allomantic metals?

Most probably not. Brandon said this back in 2014:





For the space Mistborn are we going to have more elements?


The base 16 are basically it. But the interactions between them and things. And there is one more metal, there is harmonium, so you will hear about that later on.




2 hours ago, Valette Renaitre said:

If everyone is related (2nd Era Mistborn), then why isn't everyone an allomancer?

Aside from the fact that Allomancy is inherited via the "spiritual DNA" of people, we don't really know much about the rules of Allomantic inheritance. We know that people can be Allomancers even when their parents didn't show any ability, and we know there's lots of possible Misting types, so there's probably a complex interaction between various "spiritual genes" involved in Allomancy.

There might be a Word of Brandon (WoB) about this that I'm forgetting, but otherwise we just don't know the specifics.

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6 hours ago, skaa said:

Other than the Reckoners and Mistborn, what other Sanderson books have you read? Have you heard of the cosmere?

I've read the way of Kings part 1 & 2, and I've had a scoot around coppermind.net, although mostly I was just looking at the Mistborn part. I've heard of the cosmere, but I don't really get it. I understand that Adonalsium split it into 16 shards, but I don't really get much else

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10 hours ago, Valette Renaitre said:

I've heard of the cosmere, but I don't really get it. I understand that Adonalsium split it into 16 shards, but I don't really get much else

That's perfectly fine. I encourage you to ask questions in the Cosmere Q&A section of the forums, but let me take a stab at explaining the Shards to you.

So, a long time ago the god-like being Adonalsium shattered into sixteen Shards. Sixteen different people from the planet Yolen took up those Shards and became god-like beings themselves, each one merging with a different aspect (or "Intent") of the former god. A man named Leras became Preservation, another one named Ati became Ruin, Tanavast became Honor, etc. Basically, each person became a Vessel of a Shard. In a sense, they became the Shards.

Eventually the Shards decided to go their separate ways, though some teamed up with each other. Preservation and Ruin created a planet, called it Scadrial, and settled there (this is where the Mistborn books take place). Honor and Cultivation settled on an existing planet called Roshar, where the Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, and the rest of the Stormlight Archive take place.

There is of course a lot more to it than that, but you'll learn more as you browse through the forums and the Coppermind (and of course, read more cosmere books). Right now we only know ten of the sixteen Shards. Aside from the four mentioned above, there's also Devotion, Dominion, Endowment, Autonomy, Ambition, and Odium. The last one seems to be the Big Bad of the cosmere stories.

The Reckoners series (Steelheart, Firefight, Calamity) are set on a different universe, so the harmsway has nothing to do with Gold Feruchemy.

I hope I didn't bore you with all of that. :) See you around!


Edit: As you know, @Valette Renaitre, understanding the cosmere isn't strictly required to appreciate Brandon's cosmere books. Most of it is just background info for now. I guess one thing I forgot to mention and that might be useful is that the cosmere is made up of three "realms", the Physical Realm, the Cognitive Realm, and the Spiritual Realm. More info in the Coppermind.

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