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I Read Way of Kings Weird


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I read all of the Kaladin chapters, skipped most of the Kal ones. Is that weird? To be clear, I pretty much only read the Kaladin chapters. Not Shallan, not Dalinar, not Szeth. Just Kaladin and all of part one.

Edited by Koldun
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Could be interesting to read the book like that. Maybe I'll have to try it when the 3rd book comes out.


It would certainly lead to picking up a lot more on subsequent read-throughs. Depending on how interwoven the plots of the different characters are it could lead to confusion though, since a character will talk to another main POV character and learn something that they appear to have just spontaneously known in their own POV chapters. I would hazard a guess that The Way of Kings is probably the best book for doing that so far, since Shallan, and Kaladin chapters are pretty disconnected from other characters. Adolin/Dalinar end up being combined possibly a little too much.

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Oh I know. It was weird. I was really, really interested in Kaladin's story. I was in a strange daze, I kept skipping past chapters, all so I could see what happened next with Kaladin. I am rereading WOK now, not skipping a thing.

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my second read of WoK was Character by Character so Just Kaladin then Just Dalinar finally Just Shallan. not a good tactic for an initial read but in the rereads it gives a clearer insight into the individual characters. Though at the end when the they start intermingling you either read the whole chapter each time or you break them up.

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When I first read The Way of Kings, I found myself being mostly interested in Kaladin's story a lot more than the rest, so I can see how you would've done this. I don't think it works as well for the second book with how all of the plots start to come together. 

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I agree that it's a bit strange that you did that, but at the same time, it is interesting to see the series by one character's POV. However, this kind of works best as a reread tactic than an initial read tactic.

I also don't blame you for skipping most of the Kal chapters, I felt like doing that a lot too.

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