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Tien a Proto-Radiant?

The Light That Binds

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Hello all! I am a long time lurker and this is my first post.

I am doing a reread of WoK, and I noticed in Kaladin's flashback he described some very interesting things about Tien. Specifically during the weeping where he seemed to "glow".

My question is this, could Tien have been in the process of bonding a spren at that time?


I am sure this has been mentioned before, but I was unable to find it anywhere.

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It seems unlikely, if only for the reason that Radiants get that glow from highstorms, and the Weeping is the time of the year when highstorms come the least.  

Good find though, and welcome to the Shard!  (If anyone offers you cookies, don't take them.  Trust me.)

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There has been discussion of Tien being a Proto-Lightweaver, based on the fact that Tien was a great sculptor and how he was Kaladin's 'light' not unlike Shallan in her own family. Shallan was first bonded when she was very young, as well. I'm not sure if I buy the connections, they can be explained through non-magical means as well, but they are interesting either way.

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