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Did the Ghostbloods attacked Jasnah and Shallan's Ship?


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Hi Everyone,


First time posting here so please let me know if i missed this discussion somewhere although i looked around and didn't see anything.


That into out of the way..i think its extremely likely that the ship Jasnah and Shallan are on was taken over(or attacked) by the Ghostbloods. My reasoning for this follows:


1. We know that the captain of the ship had extensive business dealings with Shallan's father(Ghostblood)

2. We know the ship was unexpectedly delayed in Kharbranth, and able to take them with no explanation of the delay

3. Immediately before the attack the captain has them pick up a "six-foot-tall hulk of a man" for the last leg of the journey 


Let me know your thoughts.

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Greetings! Welcome to the forums!


You're reasoning seems sound. As Moogle says, Kabsal failed, why would they just stop there?


I also find it a strong possibility that Mr T. is in fact leading the Ghostbloods, if so that would strengthen the case that they're behind whatever happens on the ship.


Mr. T leading them would fit. Think about it. he's having his minion assassinate leaders all over Roshar. Shallan's father was likely making a play for the throne, and he was working with the Ghostbloods. Part of a larger plan? Place agents/puppets in position to seize power, remove the previous leader and have your man take over. Viola, you now run the country.

Edited by Moist_von_Lipwig
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We don't know anywhere near enough about the Ghostbloods(or really Jasnah) to be able to guess why the Ghostblood's might want to kill her. They may believe that killing her is the best way to get a greater fabrial, They may know she is researching the void bringers, they may believe that they need to kill and surgebinders to prevent desolations. Any one of those three i feel is equally plausible and im sure there are many more options i haven't considered

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I also find it a strong possibility that Mr T. is in fact leading the Ghostbloods, if so that would strengthen the case that they're behind whatever happens on the ship.


I agree that there's a possibility Mr. T is doing that. I think there's also a very strong possibility that he's working with Restares (or is Restares) to resist the Ghostbloods. Amaram (who is working for Restares) and Taravangian are both fighting against the Voidbringers, as is Jasnah. It would not fit their MO to try to assassinate Jasnah. It also doesn't fit Mr. T, who is trying to kill leaders not all nobility.

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I agree that there's a possibility Mr. T is doing that. I think there's also a very strong possibility that he's working with Restares (or is Restares) to resist the Ghostbloods. Amaram (who is working for Restares) and Taravangian are both fighting against the Voidbringers, as is Jasnah. It would not fit their MO to try to assassinate Jasnah. It also doesn't fit Mr. T, who is trying to kill leaders not all nobility.


But we've seen indication that Surgebinders returning may be bad somehow. If they knew Jasnah was a surgebinder they might want to off her because of that. But I agree it's a little shakey and the opposite may also be true.


Also, to clarify, I was suggesting that Mr T having prominent leaders killed could be part of a plan to weaken nations and seize control of their governments, and Shallan's father's plans could coincide with that, possibly.


But again, it is just wild speculation on my part.

Edited by Moist_von_Lipwig
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But again, it is just wild speculation on my part.


It's not that wild! I'd peg Taravangian as being part of the Ghostbloods as having a 30% chance of being true, Taravangian being Restares/part of Restares' group at 50% chance, and a 20% chance of him being part of neither. I did sort of make a huge post on it forever ago (I reposted it to 17th Shard but ugh I can't find my old posts in any kind of decent timeframe). WoR readings reveal that Taravangian is more likely to be in deep with stormwardens and not ardents, but there's still a lot of uncertainty.

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Not to place my support on either side of this, but Taravangian and Thaidakar both start with a T... And Thaidakar definitely has something to do with the Ghostbloods. They could possibly be the same person, though I don't personally believe this to be the case.

If Taravangian is Mr. T, I wonder what nickname we'll come up with for Thaidakar. Sir T? T-man? The big T?

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