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So I'm creating this short story for class and I ran into a bit off a problem. The assignment is to create a story that displays contrast between the ideals of two pov characters. 

In the world I created, when a human dies they return as ghosts of various levels of strength. All the ghosts are evil but retain various levels of identity from their former lives.  

So my main character Jonathan has a sister who is a ghost, right. And she is one of the stronger ones and has seemingly retained all her humanity. And despite some questionable things that she does, Jonathan refuses to believe that she is turned. 

So my question is for my contrast character should I create a person who believes that all ghosts are corrupt and have that character be the antagonist or should I put Jonathan and his sister in a morally grey sistuation were they have opposing viewpoints and have the conflict come from that. 

I have been going back and forth trying to decide what is more interesting. And I honestly have no idea. 

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Hmmm... I'm for having the sister be your opposite point of view. Maybe explor why they come back evil and twisted. Gives her more personality and helps her stand out more as a character. At least that's the way I see it.



Maybe the brother remembers all the good times and the sister only remembers the bad. I don't know not sure what your going for but the idea sounds interesting.

Edited by DarkJester
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From what you've described, I wouldn't say the sister can be a contrast character. If 'all returned ghosts are evil', then the sister is, by default, evil, and is thus more of a force-of-nature than anything else. As a character, the sister has lost free will, and must be evil. This does not contrast well to a protagonist who is choosing to believe that something he knows should be evil, is not evil.

A contrast character that I would use wouldn't necessarily be an antagonist. Say, a ghost hunter working alongside Jonathan who (like you said) believes that all ghosts are evil or, better yet, this character believes that all humans are inherently evil, and that ghosts act evil because there aren't consequences for doing so. This can contrast to Jonathan's pure idealism.

That's just my thoughts. Hope it helps. 

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12 hours ago, The Honor Spren said:

I think that you should put Jonathan and his sister in a morally grey situation that also involves someone who thinks ghosts are all evil. That would be something I'm interested in reading. On that note, when you finish writing this, could you post it here? I'd love to read it.

Ya of course I can post it if your interested 



Edited by Patricksinger
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