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Encyclopedia Xanthuria: Stenmalkk Swamps

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Region of Stenmalkk

Southern most continental point of Alteiryn

Far to the south, past ruins of civilization and great cities left barren, and where the roads have long given way to worn cart wheels and the occasional markers of paths lays the expanse that is the Stenmalkk Swamps. Here, the air is thick with sulfur and salt and solid ground gives way to squelching soil hiding all nature of pitfall and treasure, shrouded in mists when the sun is high. A broken causeway stretches into the mists, clinging to little patches of solid ground in a desperate attempt to ward off the inevitable march of time and tides.

Further down the rickety path, it branches, letting travelers pick their own way across the treacherous soil. The most solid and stable of these routes leads to a man-made island, a sparse sight this far into the shifting soil. The perfectly square foundation is all that remains of an ancient tower, now repurposed as the landing of a new, more impressive bridge that leads to the only point of significant elevation in the entire expanse at the furthest edges of the marsh, where the river began to flow again and the sea was on the horizon.

Atop the hill lies a forest, dense and tall, comprised of old trees rooted to a large outcrop of stone. The Ironwood survives the storms of the sea and the daily batter of the tide, the roots digging themselves into the stones itself and leaving only one area of the outcropping barren: a perfect circle of shining black rock. And it was in this forest, among the branches above the rock, that the city of Pémi’Lla Fuq rested.

Edited by The Oblivious Monk
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Stenmalkk Swamps


Nestled in an ancient tidal basin, the Stenmalkk Swamps are an example of the brackish tidal deltas that prove so dangerous for travelers along the southern shores of Alteiryn. By far the largest and most expansive of these marshes, the Stenmalkk has earned some fame and notoriety for the sheer number of travelers swallowed by the muck of lost into the mist.

There are three principle rivers that ender into the Swamps: the Pena, the Pona, and the Bideeze. The Pena is the furthest West and is the calmest of the three. It intrudes a fair distance into the murk and it does have the largest number of tributaries branching from the main route. The Pona is the most volatile of the rivers and is situated the furthest East. This river penetrates the swamps almost to the edge of the basin and is exceptionally prone to flooding. Some Myrullat hermits are the only know inhabitants of this part of the swamp.

The Bideeze has the largest mouth onto the sea and also provides one of the most stable tidal swells. It is on this river that the city of Pémi’Lla Fuq rests as well as several ruins further upstream. The ancient Xanthei Causeway loosely follows this river down to a large stone base, thought to have once been a signal tower or lighthouse. It has been modified in modern times to reach other parts of the swamp, though the construction never seems to stand up to the elements in the swamp and the Causeway, both old and new, has fallen into significant disrepair.

Due to the influence of the rivers and the tides, the physical geography of the swamps is almost always changing. The Causeways mark out some of the few patches of nearly permanent solid ground and are still the greatest chance of safety to those unfamiliar with murky terrains or squelsh, a combination of mud, sand and water that tends to drag travelers down to a horrifying, choking death


The primary composition of the inner swamps is more solid clays, soils, and mud. The water from springs within the area does have some effect on soil composition. There are more fresh water plants in the inner Swamp and as the murk gives way to the walls of the tidal basin. Pockets of land in this area are larger and tend to be more stable, providing adequate places to camp.

South of the fork in the Causeway, it is not recommended that travelers stray too far from the beaten path or make camp if they are unfamiliar with the nature of the terrain. It is beyond this point when the truly brackish water begins and the most treacherous parts of the swamps are found. Known as the middle swamps or the Squelchings, this area involves the most turmoil in terms of shifting soil compositions and quality. Vegetation here is dense, though largely unknown owing to the rapid shifts and adaptations in species in the area.

The lower swamps are more sandy, owing to their proximity to the shore and salt waters. While the land here does have great variability, it does have one feature that makes it far less treacherous than the middle swamps: rock. Large outcroppings of stone dot the areas of the lower swamp, suggesting a once great structure or natural formation. Vegetation is sparse here, though the Ironwood trees grow well upon the rocky outcroppings.


Current Leyogrophers have plotted a Line entering the Stenmalkk in the northern extremes, running along the Causeway and through the city of Pémi’Lla Fuq before heading out across the ocean and towards the islands of the Alteiryn archipelago. There is a large branch of the line that seeps out in the middle swamps and The Line’s influence is generally marked for the unstable nature of the Squelchings as well as the natural adaptations of the Myrullat and strength of the Ironwood trees supporting the city itself.

Many Leyogrophers argue about the black perforation on the top of the rock where the city sits. The most popular opinion is that a Node once existed here, but that the Garick War’s influence reached here through more than just refugees and those escaping the fighting. According to the theory, when the two Nodes were destroyed, the resulting collapse in Lines meant that this node disappeared. It would explain the concentration of structures in the area. However, no records or research have ever proven this theory to be true.


Life in the Stenmalkk is wide and varied. Besides the multitude of insects, reptiles, fish, avians, and amphibians travelers expect in the swamps, some notable creatures do exist here. Below is a sampling of the most noteworthy and famous. Other species and variations do exist, but they are either undocumented, or not unique to the Stenmalkk and therefore not catalogued here.

Fern Stalker: a large, landed bird, these creatures are found primarily in the upper swamps. Their wide, webbed feet allow them to run across the muck with surprising agility. They are extremely territorial and nests should be avoided at all times, especially during the summer months when mating and hatching occurs.

Muskerlloka: the largest reptile in the Stenmalkk, muskerllokas are much like their smaller cousin, the alligator. Presumed to be an adaptation born of Leyht, these creatures can grow to nearly twenty feet in length. Propelling themselves on anywhere from four to twenty-four legs, they can move surprisingly fast. They have been known to pull down sections of the Causeway, mud boats, or even ships to capture prey. Ranging from docile to hostile, these creatures are unpredictable at best. The Myrullat avoid them, considering them protectors of the swamps Spirit. Their skin is prized for its strength and flexibility and some of the most expensive armors are made from the material, though they are very rare owing to the skill and strength needed to down one of these massive beasts.

Pozopennía: arguably the most deadly thing in the swamp, these fist sized insects have a bite that is nearly always fatal. They use a compressed neurotoxin that paralyzes the motor skills of their prey. A second bit from the same stinger brings death. To feed, the pozopennía uses a second stinger to extract bodily fluids from its prey. Their neurotoxin is prized as a poison reagent and rumors suggest that local inhabitants known not only how to counteract its effects, but also how to harvest it safely.

Myrullat: the only known higher-level thinking species from the Swamp. For more information, see the compendium on Known Races of Thought.


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Edited by The Oblivious Monk
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City of Pémi’Lla Fuq

Constructed of wood harvested from the swamp, salvaged from the wrecks of ships, and from the occasional Ironwood branch, Pémi’Lla Fuq exists at the mercy of the tides and tempests of the sea. The largest settlement in the entire Stenmalkk, the city serves as a cultural hub for the Myrullat people as well as their traditional home. Helped into existence by the guiding palm of the Seelvah, the architecture of the city provides a comfortable environment for all who come to visit, trade, or live.

Like the Seelvah, the construction of their city is based in the trees and relies upon principles of balance and suspension for the buildings, connected by bridges of rope and wood or zip-lines. The lowest buildings are the storehouses, suspended only thirty meters above the waterline. The highest buildings are nearly two hundred meters above the waterline. In addition to large structures, open air patios, bazaars, and places for markets are present above ground. During the month of lowest tides, the open air center of the city with its large, black stone floor hosts a giant market and a site for pilgrimage for the Myrullat people. An open port with an extensive floating dock complex that is tethered to the Ironwood to allow it to float with the tides extends into the lagoon and river.

Because of its busy docks and multiracial populous, Pémi’Lla Fuq exists under a code of neutrality, tumultuously enforced by a hired force that does little more than keep the city from falling apart completely. Legitimate business and thieved goods mix in the hanging storerooms and floating warehouses of the city as crews of similar reputes mingle in her taverns and brothels. The only real rule is that money talks, and death had best be silent.

Divided into three quarters, the city boasts a mostly free idea of movement. Both the Residential and Trade quarters welcome people of all races and creeds. Only the Culture Quarter, the smallest section of the city on the northern arc of the rock island, is restricted: this is the Myrullat quarter and only they may enter. It is here that their cultural identity is kept and preserved and where their Channeling techniques are guarded and taught.


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City Visitor's Guide

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Edited by The Oblivious Monk
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