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Wax,Wayne, Kaladin, and Lopen


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I don't really know where to put this so I'll try here. Who besides me wants to see a short story featuring Wax, Wayne, Kaladin, and Lopen? I can see Wax and Kal being all stand offish at first with each other, but then working really well together. Wayne and Lopen would go together like peanut butter and jelly. Those two would have us cracking up the whole time. I'd just love to see it. 

I know the Reckoners aren't in the cosmire, but I could see them as a focal point for bringing them together. They discusse in the reckoners books that more than one epic can have the same powers, but with some slight differences. I don't know how to do the spoiler thing, but spoiler alert if you haven't read steelheart or the other books. Say that another epic has Megan's powers. Very similar at least, but it has a quark. Everything they bring in from another reality, comes from a Sanderson book. They start bringing in baddies from some of Brandon's other works and to help combat the hordes, Megan starts bringing in some of his heros. Suddenly you have Kaladin and Wax thrown into a battlefield with no idea what's going on. You could have Lopen and Wayne and even Syl thrown in as comedy relief. It could be very fun.

Edited by DarkJester
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Lopen, Lift and Stump*

Oh and this is the wrong place 

@Chaos, sorry to bother u but we need some relocation.

Oh and it's Kaladin and Lopen. I guess you could have read the Sanderson books in a different language considering the amount of spelling mistakes in your post. 

Welcome to the shard BTW @DarkJester

Edited by Mesa the Ookla
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AWWW man i totaly feel ya @DarkJester i had most of my books in audible an the transition was "brutal "
for my first  posts i had to triple check every name 
and dont get me started on finding names from interlude characters , it took me 1 hour to find rysn in the copperminds

Edited by harambe
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