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Death leads to KoR?


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So all of the Knights we know of have experienced unnatural death of their immediate family?  coincidence?


Dalinar = brother

kalidan = brother

lift = parents

Shallan = whole family

renarin, jasnah = father


and in many cases they feel (or are) responsible.



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It's possible... There was the old shoe store clerk. Don't remember his name right now, but he delivered poison to some woman in a bottle of wine and felt guilty about it. I'm having trouble thinking of others right now, but it's possible. Of course there is the girl that got the Spren after throwing herself off the "island". Again, I can't think of her name. She hasn't killed anyone or been around death that I know of, unless they would consider her nearly killing herself on accident to be close enough...

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@DarkJester "the girl that thrown herself off the reishi" didn't obtain a Spren, the Island gift her a Larkin, an actual Roshar's animal (quite extintend) with unique propriety among the Stormlight.

Returning to the main point, death is often a traumatic experience and we know that be "broken" is a requirement for RK. Anyway Shallan has no one of the immediate family dead before Pattern (she kills her mother with it after all) and Dalinar is alive...therefore I don't understand the "renarin=father"...maybe you though about his mother, but again a family death is just a subset of the way someone may experience a traumatic experience (and often it isn't so traumatic)

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4 hours ago, djammmer said:

So all of the Knights we know of have experienced unnatural death of their immediate family?  coincidence?


Dalinar = brother

kalidan = brother

lift = parents

Shallan = whole family

renarin, jasnah = father


and in many cases they feel (or are) responsible.



I'm going with coincidence. 

Jasnah demonstrates a pretty clear bond before Gavilar dies, Shallan seemed to as well. We can't know with Kaladin...but there are signs... and we don't know with Lift. 

I suspect it is more than death and abuse, among other things, damage the spiritweb and so allow the bond to form and -maybe- advance.


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I believe we have confirmation from Sanderson that the "breaking" required to become a KR is synonymous to the "snapping" that used to be required to access allomancy.  Basically, the people of each world access their respective magic system via cracks in their individual spirit webs.  Having cracks in one's spirit web doesn't guarantee access to the magic system, it's simply one of the requirements.

Further, pretty much anything can cause cracks in your spirit web if you feel really bad about it, though cracks can also be caused by things like mental illness or playing around with hemalurgy.  That said, I'm guessing that, in general, the people with the characteristics and moral fiber necessary to be selected by spren to become radiants are going to be statistically unlikely to be spiritually damaged by trivial things, mental illness, hemalurgic spikes, or really anything other than severe emotional trauma, intense internal struggle, or good old fashioned physical abuse.

So I guess I'm saying it's probably just a coincidence that so many radiants have had people die around them so far.  Devising totally unique backstories for each Radiant that demonstrate that they've experienced a significant personal struggle without making them seem like a bunch of tortured lunatics who are barely hanging on by a thread could be difficult...far easier to just have a bunch of them lose someone dear to their heart and get on with the plot.  :D

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Rennarin's father is Dalinar.  

Elhokar/Jasnah's dad was Galivar.


I believe Jasnah met her spren before her dad was killed, too.  Her shadow was acting strangely and all of that before Gavilar was killed.  


Edited by Massik
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