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Mistborn Adventure game in Orem


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My wife and I want to host a local game instead of playing over skype.

We'll be playing in the Farmost Dominance about 252 years after the ascension. We're building on two previous campaigns we've run so there's already events that have happened and that will happen which the interested player can investigate and build upon. We also have a well developed cast of interesting NPCs, established politics and culture, and many opportunities for almost any crew. Mistborn and Mistings are stronger during this Era, as we are so much closer to the first Mistborn. Many noble families take great pride in being able to trace their ancestry back to one of the original nine Mistborn. 

We'll probably play Sundays at 6-10pm, but those hours are negotiable as long as they're consistent. We plan to start mid January.

We're planning a steady growth of 1 long breather every 3 sessions and 1 advancement handed out per session. There are many opportunities to earn additional advancements, but most of them are secret achievements. We also award one role-playing advancement per session, and it works a little like hot potato. You do something terrifically in character, you get the advancement, but if someone else does another impressive gem of role-playing, it passes to them. Who keeps it is whoever held it when the session ends. 

Please post if you're interested, ask questions, submit comments. I'm really excited to run this campaign.


The government of Farmost is fuedal, with Barons vying for control of territory, and the Steel Ministry does little to interfere unless rebellions pop up or taxes are unpaid. Nevertheless, obligators are a major part of the legal system, with traveling mendicant judges who enforce the Lord Ruler's will throughout the baronies, and all legal documents needing an obligator's seal. The Cantons of Resource, Finance, and Orthodoxy are well established, as well as a Canton of Arbitration. The newly formed Canton of Inquisition does make token forays into Farmost, but most infractions of the law are handled by the Canton of Arbitration. The Farmost Dominance is presided over by a Steel Inquisitor, dubbed the Iron Kaiser, and all the Barons are subject unto him.

61 years ago, the Lord Ruler called for all Terrisman to return to the Terris Dominance under pain of death. 3 decades later, he began the genocidal slaughter of all but 10000 Terrismen, the institution of the breeding program, the dissolution of the Canton of Hegemony, and the establishment of the Canton of Inquisition. 

We will begin play in the Barony of Neuschvaise, under the control of Baron Fierwinter. Coincedentally, the new Iron Kaiser also dwells in the city and has just begun construction on his palace. Neuschvaise is possibly the most wealthy barony in Farmost, having several long-term lucrative contracts, fertile lands, and recently implemented sea trade. Neuschvaise has also recently won a decade-long war against the neighboring Apsvitch Barony.

Baron Fierwinter has a good, but severe reputation, and his Knights are known across all fiefs in Neuschvaise and across the next few Baronies due to their skill at Allomancy and martial games. 

The Iron Kaiser has a reputation for strict Justice, but is also a well-respected, reasonable man.

Also of interest, the neighboring Fellniche Barony has recently undergone a coup.

For flavor: 
Farmost accents are German, Russian, Polish, etc, and I tend to do british accents for more countryfolk from farmost. People from Farmost tend to have Germanic names.
Terris accents sound Irish, generally.
Central Dominance folk have a french accent, and Eastern Dominance folk have a Spanish accent. 
Southern Isles folk have asian-influenced or Caribbean-influenced accents. 
At least that's what I try to do, I'm very not perfect at these accents.

Edited by Galvaneisse
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