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Notice: Mistborn spoiler boards to be merged soon


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Hey guys,

Normally we merge spoiler boards into the main forum (in this case, the Mistborn forum) at about nine months after release. We decided to wait to merge Shadows of Self, Bands, and Secret History's boards all at the same time. I probably should have done this last month, but anyway, sometime around this Friday to Sunday I'll remerge these boards into the Mistborn board.

The reason we remove the spoiler boards is so we don't have ten thousand subforums as Brandon writes more and more stuff in the same worlds. It just ends up being chaotic. So after a certain period of time we say that the statute of limitations is over, and that if you hadn't cared enough to read Bands or Secret History by now... well, it's been a while.

Anyway, just thought I'd let you know that once those boards are remerged, you can discuss all those books within the Mistborn subforum and in Cosmere Theories and just assume people have read them. 

Let me know if you have questions.

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I know some people (Myself included) that were waiting for the physical print of Secret History to read it. As it is only a month until that is released, would it not be better to wait before merging the Secret History board?

I agree that the Shadows and Bands board should be merged with this one though.

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It's sad to see that those books are no more Spoiler (soo months are passed) and here in my country we  don't have yet the local traslation of none of this <_< 

Anyway as said in the previous post....It would be better to wait before remove Secret History, many people waited the printed version to read it (maybe because they don't have a right device for the eBook)

Edited by Yata
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That's reasonable. I'll discuss this with some other staff. It probably won't be much after Arcanum Unbounded comes out, but I think that's a reasonable suggestion.

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