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Why reading Sanderson makes me sad


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So after finishing yet another reread of TWoK and WoR, I realized why I had been avoiding all Cosmere related stuff for so long. 

The books are just too good. Too storming good.

I go mad fangirling over everything, pointedly ignoring the voice in my head screaming EXAMS ARE COMING! I got so engrossed in reading them that yet again, I destroyed any semblance of a social life. Plus, reading these two put me in the mood for a full Cosmere reread, and I just don't have the time for that :( 

The worst part is that I have no friends who read Sanderson. Despite incessant insistence, veiled threats, and outright cursing, my friends refuse to get convinced. So I don't have anybody to discuss all this with either :( 

On top of that, I just can't wait for the sequels, and knowing that the SA will take 20+ years to finish, I wonder how I'll be able to survive. I've got so addicted to the awesomeness of these books that I can't find another author who's good enough. I can't fully enjoy another fantasy novel now :( 

Why are they so good?! WHY WHY WHY:(

That's all. Just wanted to rant. k thnx bye


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