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Hey guys! I've seen a bunch of stuff about 17th Shard and finally decided to join! I have read The Reckoners and the first two books in The Stormlight Archive. I own Mistborn but haven't gotten around to reading it yet! :)

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Welcome @Storm! Glad to have you! If you have any questions about Sanderson books, the forums, or anything else do not hesitate to ask. The community here is pretty awesome and people are always willing to help out. If you haven't read them yet, it might be a good idea to glance through the forum guidelines found here:

Also, please be careful when reading in some of the forums; there are a TON of spoilers. I would seriously stay away from the Cosmere Theories forum, the Coppermind wiki, and the Mistborn forum until you have read more of the books. The ending to the first Mistborn trilogies is one of my favorites and I would hate for it to be spoiled for you.

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Hello Storm! Welcome to the Shard! Have a cookie!

You should probably read Mistborn before it's majorly spoiled for you on the Shard. In the meantime, you should stick to the Stormlight forums, because they won't spoil anything for you.

You should also read Warbreaker, because pieces of that could potentially be spoiled on the Stormlight forum.

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2 hours ago, cloudjumper said:

Could a 

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Shard be counted as a spren? Because Cognitive shadows could be defined as spren, right? (I assume that by spren you mean Ruin)


I'm not super sure of spren dynamics, seeing as I'm only 1000 pages into WoK.

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