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StEC Character Template

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Alright, so, couple of things. I'm well aware of the fact that I haven't given out a ton of actual information yet regarding the landmass of Alteiryn itself, so I apologize that this template is technically impossible to fill out unless you're contributing a culture/city of your own to this RP. I'll try and get a list up here shortly of some established "areas" to be picked and chosen from, at least, so your character isn't from _______________ Village or the Kingdom of Pending. Secondly, I modified this template, with permission, from our dear neighbor Mistborn: The Inquisition, so credit of course is due to them. This is, roughly, what we're looking at, at the moment.

[center][b][size=6]Character Name[/size][/b]
[size=2]Type of Character (Race/'Class')[/size][/center]

[b][u]Player Information[/u][/b]
[b][i]Contact Information:[/i][/b]

[b][u]Character Information[/u][/b]
[b][i]Place of Origin:[/b][/i]
[b][i]Relationship Status:[/b][/i]

[b]Channeling Capacity:[/b]
[i]-Focus Used:[/i]
[i]-Degree of Skill:[/i]



[b]Special Skills:[/b]



If copy/pasted correctly, the finished product should look something like this! (Obviously you'd take out the instructions and fill in the blanks.)

Character Name

Type of Character (Race/'Class')

Player Information

Name:(If you've got a nickname you prefer to use, say so here.)

Contact Information: (How do we track you down to hunt plotbunnies together?)

Character Information


Race:(Xanethi, Ohnyrek, Berylanx (with Subtype), Dh'krr-grnnch, etc.)


Gender:(If you have one, of course. Perceived gender for races like the Dh'krr-grnnch works as well.)

Place of Origin:

Class: (Ley Channeler? Warrior? Rogue/Thief? Traveling Salesman?)

Relationship Status:(optional)

Channeling Capacity: (If Applicable. Remove section if your character has no Ley-based abilities.)

-Type: (Internal/External. Do you primarily 'buff' yourself or create outside effects, or a blend of both?)

-Focus Used: (What is it? How does it respond to channeling?)

-Degree of Skill: (Are you an experienced channeler, or just getting started?

How long can you continually tap into the Ley energy without exhausting yourself?)

Cursed: (Special. Talk to me if you want your character to be a bit screwed up from one thing or another. Remove if Not Applicable.)

-Nature: (Channeling accident? Damaged/incomplete/misused Artifact? Encountered a strange creature? What exactly did this event do to your character? Describe any physio/psychological changes.)

-Effects: (How has this impacted the way your character channels/fights/functions?)

Appearance: (Include height, build, hair, eyes, and their general demeanor in your description)

Special Skills: (For example, things like Reading, Writing, Knife Fighting, Lying, Observation, etc.)



Personality: (Also include their moral attitudes, prejudices, and any mental disorders)

History:(A nice, thick bit of text about the events that shaped your character into who they are at the beginning of the RP.

Family? Friends? How did they come by their Focus? If they are a 'Cursed' character, describe the event that changed them.

Why do they travel? What would they do with the EC?)

Edited by Kuri Shardweaver
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