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A Theory on the Enhancement Metals


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So WoB establishes the Enhancement Metals (specifically duralumin and aluminum) aren't as useless as they seem. Everyone and their mother has a theory on what this means, so what's one more? I suggest that Aluminum and Duralumin (at least) can actually enhance/ reduce feruchemy as well as allomancy. With Allomantic uses of duralumin, it allows for a quick burst of power. Feruchemy has no upper limit on flaring, so that wou don't do anything for it. But what if using duralumin and a metalmind allowed for a sort of mini-compounding effect? Like, the power of the duralumin was used with the feruchemical power, like how compounding works. It would be plausible that no one discovered this yet due to the low number of Twinborn and the assumed uselessness of duralumin.

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If you were just a twin born of Duralumin/Aluminum and you were a ferring of say, gold, you wouldn't be able to burn your metalmind in the first place because you're not a misting of the same metal. It would definitely have an effect, but only possible if you were either fullborn or spiked. Actually, I can see this being immensely useful in compounding if you spiked yourself with a duralumin granting spike.

Edited by Onceler
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