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[BoM Spoilers] New Revelations and the MAG/Twinborn Ramifications


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So, I'm a big fan of the MAG, for all its liberties. I recall reading somewhere that we'd get an additional Alloy of Law supplement after BoM to update us with new game material for the new revelations.

I'm guessing they'll include new rules for feruchemical Nicrosil and Aluminum, since the current rules are basically placeholder speculation, and new Kandra stunts and props in line with MeLaan's whole "Amoeboid Warframe" schtick and medical abilities.

The new rules for Feruchemical nicrosil are the most interesting for me. I'm guessing the current "feruchemical investiture filtermind" thing will be replaced with something more like "reduce your metal rating while storing, increase your metal rating while tapping." Or possibly storing metal while burning it instead of getting its effect, more for balance than accuracy.

Regardless, let's talk about Feruchemical nicrosil Twinborn. One could apparently store their allomantic potency and tap it later to become a more powerful allomancer. The synergy there is pretty frightening for any metal, and especially Nicrosil Compounders, who get Lord Ruler level power with their Nicrobursts, perhaps giving *any* allomancer Lord Ruler levels of power for a brief moment.

As a side note, as a GM, I would take the combination of the "mixing powers" note in the Ars Arcanum, the Leecher description in the Broadsheets, and the Twinborn reputation of "steals power and hoards it" to be sufficient precedent to let an Allomantic chromium/Feruchemical nicrosil Twinborn player take a custom stunt to store the investiture they leech from others, "pushing it" into their metalminds instead of just "away."


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Never played the MAG, but a note on feruchemical Nicrosil-

I'm pretty sure tapping Nicrosil would increase your allomantic power, but would never grant you powers you didn't have the ability to store in the first place. So a steel/Nicrosil twinborn could probably put a coin into orbit while tapping, but they could only tap for greater steel effects, not make themselves a full Mistborn or anything. The only reason the bands themselves grant godlike powers is because they have all the metals already stored.

You may have already known this, but I wasn't entirely sure based on the post.

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I think that they will need to find some way to water it down. Given that thugs, coinshots, lurchers, soothers, and rioters are not using their metals most of the time, it would seem like it would be very easy to make yourself incredibly powerful by spending half your time storing. 

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I think that they will need to find some way to water it down. Given that thugs, coinshots, lurchers, soothers, and rioters are not using their metals most of the time, it would seem like it would be very easy to make yourself incredibly powerful by spending half your time storing. 


Unless you can only store Allomancy while you are burning your metal. Which actually makes more sense considering how the grenade works.

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Unless you can only store Allomancy while you are burning your metal. Which actually makes more sense considering how the grenade works.

I thought the grenade/primer was Ettmetal, not Nicrosil? Wasn't Ettmetal the only material we saw using allomancy independently of a metalborn operator? I just thought storing metal while burning it instead of time spent as an allomancer would make more sense for game balance purposes, not that it was necessarily accurate to the source material. The MAG takes liberties with a lot of the details.

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