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Trell and the 11th metal


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I'm absolutely sure that I CAN'T  be the first to have thought of this, but I couldn't find a thread proposing it.  If anyone could point me to a prior discussion, I'd be very grateful. 


I was just re-reading the first chapters of TFE, and noticed:

"Even he can be killed--by an allomancer burning this."

Ham picked up the thin rod of metal. "Where did you get it?"

"In the north," Kelsier said.  "In a land near the Far Peninsula, a land where people still remember what their old kingdom was called in the days before the Ascension." 


What are the odds that that kingdom was called Nelazan? As in, the original home of Trelagism, in the far north?

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Have you read the short story The Eleventh Metal? Kelsier first got the idea about an eleventh metal in Mantiz, a city in the northern part of the Western Dominance. It's possible that he obtained his bar of malatium in the so-called "Far Peninsula" (where is that? the Farmost Dominance?), but I wouldn't be surprised if he got it in the same place where he learned of it, and that what he told Ham was just a story he concocted as part of the mythos he was constructing around himself at the time.


The scholar who gave Kelsier the idea of the Eleventh Metal wasn't exactly trying to lessen the oppression typical of Rashek's rule, so I doubt his Nelazan heritage (if he had any) inspired him to perform his experiments.

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