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Good evening everyone!!


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 I say evening because its after 9 as I write this. I am a college senior in the state of Georgia and I believe I read Brandon Sanderson first my freshmen year. It was the Mistborn trilogy and I fell in love! Then I moved to Way of Kings which became (and remains) my favorite book and Sanderson my favorite author.


Now, after finishing Bands of Mourning and reading Mistborn: Secret History, I realize how frustrating it is to not have anyone to discuss my excitement about Cosmere events with. So here I am, excited to connect with some real Sanderson fans!

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For sure. And there is always just the right amount of humor to keep the end-of-the-world seriousness of the plot from getting too heavy. I haven't read Bands of Mourning or Secret History yet, but I'm going to get my hands on a copy of both as soon as I can!

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