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possible use for Gavilar's stone


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Some have guessed that the stone Gavilar had was a fabrial but, what if it was a key to locking surgebinding possibly a key piece of some fabrial that blocked the bond and prevented to parshendi god from returning. Maybe when he turned it off thats when the parashendi started bonding and when Szeth was able to gain his abilitys. Then as time went on bonds started to appear naturaly again.

Edited by Arook
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My assumption with regards to the stone Galivar had was that it was a stone similar to that of a Fabrial, where a Spren can be trapped. We see in the Dalinar's flashback in WoR that some Spren behave differently after being touched by Sja-anat:


WoR: (Dalinar PoV)


“Fine,” Dalinar said. “Just worried. I mean, I don’t even really know what we’re looking for.”

“A spren that doesn’t act like it should,” the man said. “Keep your eyes open. Once Sja-anat touches a spren, it acts strange. Call attention to anything you see.”


My thought is that these corrupted Spren may be the "Gods" that the Parshendi fear and one is trapped in Gavilar's stone. We know now that the Parshendi bond with a Spren to change forms. What if a corrupt Spren bonding with a Parshendi is what has truly caused the Desolations? I think this could potentially be supported by the statement Darkness makes here:


WoR: (Lift PoV)


“There are tons of people who do wrong things,” she said. She had to force out every word. Talking was hard. Thinking was hard. So tired. “You...you coulda hunted big crime bosses, murderers. You chose me instead. Why?”

“Others may be detestable, but they do not dabble in arts that could return Desolation to this world.” His words were so cold. “What you are must be stopped.”


Only recently have Spren began bonding with Humans and Parshendi again. I think what Darkness is trying to prevent is the Spren coming back to Roshar in full force and bonding with many people so that there won't be powerful Spren to corrupt.


Just my two cents  ^_^



Edited by smearedblackink
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i guess you are wrong about the Parshendi not binding spren up until recently.



they call the "slave-form" a lack of a from, i guess its the lack of a spren.

without spren they are in slave-form, so all thouse Parshendi which are at the Shatteredplaines would have been in slave-form for a long time?


as it sounds, this slave-form is not realy able to care for basic needs, without help.

so who cared for all of thouse Parshendi? did they all runaway? thousends?

they just remembered their gods?(spren or genetical memory?)



i dont think so.

they might have lost alot of different forms, but they were using diffrent forms all the time.





i think too, its a "bad" spren traped in the stone.

which might be able to control/takeover a Parshendi.


guess possession could be as easyly a bad God or an evil sprit,

depending how youre culture sees/handels it.

Edited by Crysanja
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