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Vorin Feudal Structure


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There are 10 High Princes in Alethkar.  These men serve (theoretically) under the king.


Shallan's father was one of ten lords that served under High Prince Valam in Jah Keved, which is a Vorin kingdom like Alethkar.


Does every feudal relationship in a Vorin kingdom have a lord with ten subordinates?  This would make a lot of sense from a religious perspective (i.e. imitating the Heralds like they like to do)


Are there any other tidbits that follow this pattern?  How far does pattern go through light-eyed Vorin feudal structure?  Did Lin Davar have ten subordinates under him?  Does Dalinar and the other Alethi Highprinces?


It was said in WoR that Amaram could have changed allegiance to Dalinar from Sadeas, but that there would have to be land swaps.  I think that would be to keep Sadeas' princedom up to its requisite number (10) of subordinate positions under the Highprince.



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