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Theory on the workings of Allomancy


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Sorry if this has already been contemplated but I couldn't find it in my search for it. Also, I am not by any means an expert on the cosmere, so please, if I make a mistake, just let me know that I did and put why in a spoiler bar. I would like to figure out why I am wrong on my own (although mentioning which book to look in would be appreciated)


I've been thinking lately, how does allomancy work? I don't mean the part about the ingestion of metal and suddenly magic does stuff. The metallic theme doesn't allow for just magic. I'm not denying magic, I'm just contemplating what it does.


When an allomancer burns metal, I think that the metal acts as a conduit for the magic to enter the body. This would be why Ruin wasn't able to see writing when it was inscribed in metal. When he focused on it, all he could see was the magic flowing from the metal into the surrounding area.

When allomancers burn metals, the magic is released into the person instead of leaking into the environment. This magic then enhances the neural pulses in the brain of the allomancer. Since brain waves are simply electricity, perhaps it could then manipulate the electromagnetic field in a way specific to the area of the brain that the metal affects. Metals and their alloys affect similar places of the neural network resulting in very similar consequences in the outside world. Electro-magnetic manipulation would explain most aspects of allomancy.


Steel-pushing and iron-pulling are obvious.

Soothing and rioting would be you affecting the emotion center of other peoples brains.

Pewterarms and tineyes would be influencing the way their body reacts. (this is actually them manipulating their brains, not the magnetic fields around them)

Seeking is just creating a sensitivity to magnetic fields and smoking would create a bubble of immunity to outside allomantic influences.

The enhancement metals are doing just that, enhancing your ability to use the magic inside the metals.

Cadmium and bendalloy could be creating an isolated wormhole that affects the gravity in the area, because gravity is manipulating space-time.

Gold and electrum is where my theory falls apart. I have no idea how to explain it but who knows, it could be possible.


Anyways, tell me what you guys think.

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Your Analysis is good but in the Cosmere any of that effect are actually "full magical" not "brain manipolation".


I don't know how much do you know about the Realmatic Theory and I don't want to spoiler anything to you.

Basic of Realmatic Theory

The Cosmere is an overlap of three Realms: Physical, Cognitive and Spiritual

The core any magic system in the cosmere work about "investiture" ( like "Rough magic") and the way that it interacts with someone's aspect (Physical, Cognitive and Spiritual). What we see as "powers" are just the physical Interpretation of the "other realms mechanics".

Es: The healing (also the Feruchemical Gold) works restoring an Cognitive Image of yourself more than a biological acceleration.

Edited by Yata
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