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The Cosmere Fandom, Personified

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There's a trend going on on tumblr these past few months, personifying a fandom and presenting them as though they were a character. It's called Fandomstuck, because the art and text style is based on Homestuck's character introductions, but it's spread so far beyond Homestuck now! Well, there was a hit on the Cosmere Request Meme for a character for the Cosmere, and I'd done some sprite edits in the past, so I decided to give it a whirl:

Your name is the COSMERE FANDOM and while you may not be the biggest fandom around you are STILL THE BEST FANDOM.


Your interests include THEORIZING, SHIP SPARRING, and CRYING OVER JUST ABOUT EVERYONE. You’ve weathered some pretty heavy feels over the years. The end of HERO OF AGES nearly took you down and JUST TIEN IN GENERAL is a good way to reduce you to a puddle of tears. Thankfully you’ve always got LIGHTSONG to make you laugh and FORGERY or AON DOR if you need a REALMATIC puzzle to work through. Not to mention, what’s up with SURGEBINDING? You swear you’ve almost got it figured out…


You don’t make as much noise as some of the other fandoms around, but boy do you know how to have a good time on FRIDAY NIGHTS (and occasionally the OTHER DAYS of the week too…) You like talking about NON-COSMERE things too, like WORD WARS, and WORLDBUILDING, and BOILING WATER. You know, the important stuff.


You’ve got the best ships though. RAODEN AND SARENE are just so perfect together and VIN AND ELEND could take down the whole universe if they wanted to. SIRI ANS SUSEBRON are cuter than any couple has a right to be and DALINAR AND NAVANI send you into fits of squeeing every time. Poor RENARIN, you just can’t decide who he should be smooching. KALADIN maybe? Or should he be with SYL? Maybe RENARIN and SHALLAN would be cute? But then who’s going to be with JASNAH? And why are you thinking about HOID as a possibility?


One thing’s for sure, WORDS OF RADIANCE can’t come out soon enough. Or SHADOWS OF SELF. Or NIGHTBLOOD. You just really need them all RIGHT NOW!


What will you do?


She’s got something from every known shardworld right now - an aon from Sel, a mistcloak from Scadrial, the royal locks from Nalthis, and a safehand-covered dress (in Kholin blue!) from Roshar! 


I realize most of these references are more specific to the Tumblr fandom, but that was pretty much my target audience there. (For instance, I'm pretty sure most people around her don't remember the infamous boiling water chat... That was a wierd night). I kind of picture the 17S part of the fandom as like, her older, more serious brother, who talks about theories and the Realmatic applications of things while his younger sister is off making art and fanfic and such. Sometimes the two of them get together and do some pretty awesome stuff though. And deep down, they both love each other. Aww.

Edited by FeatherWriter
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Well, I salute the undertaking,but... Maybe if for Tumblr fandom? For the 17thshard the image is all wrong :D Where are the claws that catch (Brandon), the vulture jawbeak that searches for knowledge amongst his long-dissected words? And the spikes? Where are the spikes?!! Granted, it (and it should be genderless on general principles :) ) should have something from all worlds: spikes from Scadrial, Larkin wings from Roshar, grey flesh and dark smoke from Nalthis, bones from Sel, etc :) A pity I can't draw well enough to make a picture of that...  (Or at all for that matter ;( )

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Haha, yeah this was made a few months ago, back before I got back into 17S, so it's pretty tumblr-centric. However, I figured people here might want to see too, so I ended up reposting it here for all to see. Perhaps I'll make a 17th Shard Fandomstuck someday...

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