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Hello. I came here through Mistborn.


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Hi everyone. 


I was roaming the page and ended up here looking for more info on Mistborn. I entered into this world through a desire to play the rpg, which led me to read the books to know what I was getting myself into. As many of you probably know, that's a path of no return. 


Looking for more to read about the world of Scaldria beyond the annotations and the like, I found that this saga may not be as alone as I asumed in the first place. I saw mentions of the cosmere and the shards that weren't in the books. So before I get myself into trouble by spoiling something important, I decided to enter here to ask for help and guidance in this path, to know where to go first or next without spoils. 


I also want a place to share on the experience of playing the rpg. I am in a group of whom only the narrator and I have read the books and it makes for both fun and frustration trying to not imply too much and putting up with certain individuals who only seek destruction for the fun of it. 


I think that's pretty much what I am. A reader who always seeks out more on the subject when a story is well crafted and fun to read. I await instructions to know where I should go next from here. 


Thank you!

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No, I haven't read any others yet. I've got Elantris to read next. I just thought it was completely unrelated to Mistborn. I'd like to know which ones compose the cosmere, so I know where to find the linking mythology. Especially if I can learn about the shards there.


I LOVE non-hemalurgic cookies! Thanks!  :D

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THANK YOU! That's what I needed. 


Now, about the rpg, are discussions on that solely about the internet games or is there somewhere you can ask questions about the tabletop rpg? I'm playing a local game, not on the internet.

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Hmm, that I do not know.

Are you asking about the official Mistborn Adventure Game? If so, just create a topic in a forum that seems appropriate (Mistborn, General Brandon Discussion, and Roleplaying would be all be good, imo) and ask for help.

I suppose the same process could work even if you aren't referring to the MAG.

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No, I haven't read any others yet. I've got Elantris to read next. I just thought it was completely unrelated to Mistborn. I'd like to know which ones compose the cosmere, so I know where to find the linking mythology. Especially if I can learn about the shards there.


I LOVE non-hemalurgic cookies! Thanks!  :D


Learning about the shards is why we're here.

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 Also, have a cookie! It's not hemalurgic. http://www.memes.com/meme/675914


Yes, the cookie is not hemalurgic. But the earring that comes with the cookie (just a tiny earring, very fashionable), that earring ... is another matter entirely. 


Aileth said:



I just thought it was completely unrelated to Mistborn.


The 42nd law of Sanderson: If you assume things are not related, they probably are. 

Edited by Renarin's Shadow
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