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Hi from Estonia


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A little introduction of how I got here:


I started reading sci-fi and fantasy in middle school. We had Robert Sheckley's "Ghost V" and Isaac Asimov's " Little Lost Robot" in our 8th grade literature textbook and I liked them both. Still most of what I read then was really early sf like "20000 Leagues ..." and semi-magical adventure stories.


In high school I didn't read much, because I still had delusions of being cool and fantasy books weren't. That until Christmas 2001 when LOTR FotR came out. After that I started devouring anything Sci-fi or fantasy and ironically almost failed my literature class (guess what, "Foundation" isn't Estonian historical novel).


After high school I read mostly Sci-fy. From fantasy Zelazny's Amber series which I loved and some Poulson which leaved me indifferent. But in the middle of the 00's one Estonian publisher started to translate ASoIaF and I became interested in epic fantasy again. 


So in Autumn of 2011 after finishing ADwD, I wanted more. Luckily there was a 12000 page monster named A Wheel of Time.  It took me like 7 months to read the 13 books and prologue. Then I read the Tor reread for like 5 first books. Then I waited until January to finish it.I was pleased,.but exhilarated. So it took me a few months to want to read another epic fantasy, but when I was ready I chose Brandon's "The Way of Kings".


This happened about three months ago and now I have read it twice. The second time was after reading MIstborn trilogy, Allomancy of Law, Emperor's  Soul and Elantris. To put it in another way - when I became Cosmere literate  Right now I'm half way hrough Warbreaker and waiting for more.


So, that was a brief introduction.




P.S. Between ToM & aMoL I read 20+ Discworld novels an was delighted to find out that Brandon is a Pratchett fan..

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Asimov is good.


And your reply gives me a chance to bother you with some trivia:


The Estonian  translator of "Foundation" had to invent a new word. English foundation means both:  a small town that settlers founded and the thing that holds buildings up (literally and metaphorically). In Estonian we have two words: vundament is the constructional technical word and asula that means a small habitation like a town or a village. So she came out with "asum" which means both as does Asimovs Foundation.




P.S. I wrote "metaphorically" right  the 1st time ("Right" took me three times)

Edited by Gatzby
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