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New info about the letter recipient? (Please read this if you've read Dragonsteel)


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I just got back from Brandon's San Jose signing (my first one! It was awesome to meet him!)


Anyway, someone asked if we'd met the recipient of the letter from WoK, and he said (I'm paraphrasing) "Some of you might have. It's a character from one of my unpublished novels," and then he said something to the effect of "Oops, now I've given it away."


I think this shows two things. First, the recipient can't be Hoid (I can't remember if he's been absolutely established as the letter writer yet. I only come by these forums irregularly.) If that was the case, Brandon wouldn't have said that only some people have met him.


Second, it seems likely the book he's talking about is Dragonsteel. For those who have read it, do any likely characters spring to mind?

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Unfortunately, I really need to shut this topic down. We just have a policy of no spoilers from unpublished works. I would not want to spoil anyone reading the book.

However, he did confirm a while ago that the Letter's recipient was on Yolen, so I'd say this isn't new knowledge :) Thanks for the information at the signing though! Feel free, if there was more info from the signing, to make a topic in Signings about it. I just really don't want anyone talking about unpublished stuff.

Sorry guys for closing it...

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