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Any other chronicly ill Sanderson fans?

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Hiya. I'm curious to see if there are any other chronically ill Sanderson fans because I want to compare being chronically ill to being a feruchemist who randomly starts tapping and storing metals, and joke about it of course. But I don't think my fellow spoonie(chronically ill) friends would get it, and I'm not sure that the general fandom would get it.


Plus meeting other spoonies is always nice.


I hope I'm putting this in the right spot, I didn't want to put it in general Sanderson stuff because its kind of a weird question.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wouldn't call it a chronic illness - especially compared to what other people have to go through - but I do have a mild case of Neurocardiogenic Syncope, meaning that I can suddenly and unpredictably feel very dizzy and have to sit or lie down. Generally though, as long as I avoid exerting myself to a crazy extent or spending too much time in extreme heat (a feat in and of itself in Florida), I'm usually fine. I don't think it's really fair to compare what I have to a serious chronic illnesses, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't been thinking of my allergies as chronic illness, but after this last weekend it's probably better that I do; I'd planned all week to visit my brother and his friends and had to leave after 2 hours because I was just too sick there.

And I suppose I've let myself be treated poorly by people who think I "hate" their pets or their house, or that I'm being "picky", or something like that. If I'd thought of it as chronic illness, I'd probably present it in a way that seems more legitimate to people.

Edited by Morsk
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