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Many spambots have been appearing lately. I was trying to think of a solution to this, however, my coding knowledge is rather limited. So, if my suggestions are impractical or impossible, then feel free to say so.


1) Post limit


I find that spambots seem generally able to post a large number of posts in a short space of time. If there were something in place to prevent new posts from people who had posted twice within the space of a minute (which I think would be impossible for a human to do), then perhaps that account should be temporarily susspended, pending admin review.


2) Report suspension


Alternatively, you could just have a checkbox in the report file for 'spam'. If this is checked, then the account is suspended, pending admin. investigation, particularly if the account is less than 24 hours old. Most people here are responsible, and I don't think they would abuse this.


3) Have phone numbers in post titles and posts banned


Fairly self explanatory. Even if it's not spam, I don't think it's a good idea for internet privacy to be giving away phone numbers.


4) Have key phrases searched for and banned


"Baba ji" and "Horoscopes" have never been mentioned by anyone except spambots and people complaining about spambots so far as I can tell.


Again, if there is something intrinsically flawed with what I've suggested, feel free to mention it.

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Great ideas! Another idea of mine is that you could up the questions for creating an account a bit more, as the current answer is extremely easy to find out by looking up. You could ask questions that only true Sanderfans would know, but I can't come up with any. Just a thought.  :)

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