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Question Regarding the Feruchemy Page

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(I'm not really sure if this is how this is supposed to be done (been gone for...a few years, also lack of rules thread) so I apologize profusely if so)


The page currently is organized into Physical, Cognitive, and Spiritual (also God) according to Brandon's response to this question (link) as discussed in the Feruchemy page's talk page.  Back in 2013 I had grouped the  metals into Physical, Cognitive, Spiritual, and Hybrid as given in the Table of Feruchemical Metals poster which was released in 2012.


My question is, for sake of future reference and understanding, was there something between when I edited the page and when it was edited into its current form about the table being incorrect (the interview database wouldn't return any results at all for me when I searched for Feruchemy so I couldn't check there), or is there a system of precedence I am currently not, and would like to be, informed of in regards to products vs WoB?


(Once again intensely sorry if this is not where this type of question/inquiry is supposed to go.)

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I think I can fix it back around pretty quick like so it shouldn't be a problem.  Should the large list of metals be removed to match how the Allomancy page just links to the individual metal pages?


Edit:  Although I am finding I don't remember how tables work...


Edit 2:  And the post this was in response to disappeared so...

Edited by Master_Moridin
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I deleted my post to talk to someone and resolve this.

I've fixed the main terribleness, but apparently I need to make it a priority to make the Feruchemy page suck less. The Hybrid metals are now labeled with that quote about two physical quadrants.

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