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The Black Sphere


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I've been thinking about this recently, and almost everyone seems to be convinced it is something evil or dangerous. It started to make me wonder what it could be and whether it was a red-herring. At first thoughts I wondered if it was to do with the Midnight Essences, or something which can control Parshmen or awaken them.

But there might be another option;

Honor has been shattered, If I were Odium then I would want to make it almost impossible to reforge. But for all we know he cannot remove those pieces from Roshar, so its possible that the shards are all on Roshar and not elsewhere in the cosmere, infact I think its probable.

So my real questions are;

1) Is the Black Sphere glowing from within because it holds a piece of Honor?

2) Do the Parshendi have one of these?

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The passage in question:

“The Parshendi? That makes no sense.” Gavilar coughed, hand quivering, reaching toward his chest and fumbling at a pocket. He pulled out a small crystalline sphere tied to a chain. “You must take this. They must not get it.” He seemed dazed. “Tell…tell my brother…he must find the most important words a man can say….”

Gavilar fell still.

Szeth hesitated, then knelt down and took the sphere. It was odd, unlike any he’d seen before. Though it was completely dark, it seemed to glow somehow. With a light that was black.

I don't think Honor would glow black light . . .

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