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Daredevil's a Tineye!


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So, I never really thought about it before, but while watching Daredevil this weekend, I came to the realization that Daredevil's a tineye and a Savant at that. Think about it - traumatic event that caused him to snap - check. Super enhanced senses - check. Yep - he's a tineye.


So then I started thinking about some of the other superheroes and where they'd fit in in Scadrial and came up with two other realizations.


1. Bruce Banner is a feurochemist or a twinborn pewter/pewter combo. He's super weak most of the time, but then has MASSIVE increases when he Hulks out. Pewter compounding could give even more of an effect long term.


2. Spider-man is Mistborn. Uncle Ben's death is certainly enough to snap, but his Spidey Sense is eerily similar to the effects of Atium (though where he gets his metals is anyone's guess). Then there's the enhanced strength and agility that pewter gives. Oh, and his webs go WAY too straight to not be laced with metals that he can push and pull as he sees fit. He also has somewhat enhanced senses. Sure, he may not know how to affect emotions, but he certainly has more than one allomantic power, which means he'd have to be Mistborn.


Anyone else you can think of that would fit the bill of someone with allomantic or feurochemical abilities in the Marvel or DC universe?

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Not really into superheroes, so forgive me if some of my answers seem a bit off. Jean Grey and other telepaths are probably twinborn with feruchemical duralumin and allomantic bronze, for connecting with others, telepathy, and sensing when others are using their powers.


Domino is a chromium compounder.


The Flash is a steel compounder.


If Mario qualifies as a superhero, then he would be a twinborn, storing weight, (jumping high and coming down to squish giant mushrooms or turtles,) and burning pewter.


Aquaman probably compounds cadmium.


And on a final note, all elephants can store copper, memories.

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Four senses always on high, no apparent power source, driven to violence. Daredevil's not a tineye. He's a hemalurgic creation. Tin spikes have granted him a permanent bonus to four of his senses. The Flaw compels him to violence.


Those aren't horns on his mask, there's the nubs of spikes.

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So, I never really thought about it before, but while watching Daredevil this weekend, I came to the realization that Daredevil's a tineye and a Savant at that. 


I started watching it a few days ago and I had this exact thought  :D

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