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Pronunciation Thread


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listening to the audiobooks really surprised me when I read the book first. Audio version of Siuan is Swan.


For the books I listen to before reading the voice actor version is what I always default to. There was a weird quirk in the audiobook version in TWoK that set up a hilarious moment in WoR that no one reading would have seen. In TWoK Michael Kramer pronounced Sadeas as SAD-ee-us, his wife Kate Reading pronounced it Suh-dee-us. In the prologue of WoR Kate was reading and when it came time for her to say sadeas she really REALLY emphasized it pronouncing it as SAD-ee-us. I mean it was as if she was saying "me and Michael had a really long talk and after reading all the complaints agreed to check with one another on our pronunciation for continuity. Sorry for the confusion. you can stop sending glitter bombs."


For the readers, here are the audiobook version of the names, Note: I am not great at spelling phonetically.


Adolin, EY-doh-lin The A sounds like say

Kiin, kai-ain where i sounds like eye

Sazed, Say-zed

Loial, Loyal

Skaa, Skah

Iyatl, ee-YA-tl

Roion, Roy-ee-on

Shallan, Shuh-lawn

Ryshadium, ri-shade-ee-um

Bussik, Biss-sick

Balat, buh-LOT

Zahel, rhymes with vile

Jasnah, yes-nuh

Nale, Nah-luh

Jakamov, Yak-uh-mawv


Any others anyone wants to know?

It is still Siuan, but when you say it fast enough it sounds like "swan"  See-oo-wahn   (wahn sounds rhymes with on).


I've listened to all the cosmere works in audio format (those that are available), and I disagree with your phonetic spelling on a few of them.


Adolin always sounded to me like Ad-Oh-Lin   Ad as in Add, Oh as in the letter O, Lin like the name Lynn.

Jasnah always sounded to me like Ya-znuh.


I agree with the others though!

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I say AY-tee so then it would be AY-tee-um.


It's interesting how many of you are reading this diphthong "ay" sound for many of the lone As in names. I always pronounced Ati in my head something like the word "arty", but without the r, but shortened it for Atium to sound like "atty-um". Likewise Adolin was "add-o-lin" to me. ;)


That said I had completely unsuccessful in picking up any of Brandon's intended sounds from his Anglicising Aonic names- from Sarene sounding like "sareen" to me, to Kiin being a single syllable in my head. ;)

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It's interesting how many of you are reading this diphthong "ay" sound for many of the lone As in names. I always pronounced Ati in my head something like the word "arty", but without the r, but shortened it for Atium to sound like "atty-um". Likewise Adolin was "add-o-lin" to me. ;)


That said I had completely unsuccessful in picking up any of Brandon's intended sounds from his Anglicising Aonic names- from Sarene sounding like "sareen" to me, to Kiin being a single syllable in my head. ;)


I agree with this post 100%.

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