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Hi To All The Seventeenth Shard! Here Is A Brandon Fan From Italy (Rome)


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Hi to all the people of  the Seventeenth Shard! Here is a Brandon fan from Rome in Italy. Yes I'm italian so excuse me for bad english and errors, 'cause I'm not mother tongue and I'm not really good at it.

I study computer engineering at university here in Rome. I have been a BIG reader since I was a little kid. The first real novel was 20000 leagues under the sea at the age of 8. And this is when and how I started reading. Since then I read a lot of things, and obviously a really big part of thoose were fantasy books.

Here is my story about how I got to know about Brandon works:
Like many others It started with Wheel of Time. I started reading it in 2011 Fall, and In three months I read the first 12 volumes transleted in italian. In february 2012 Midnight towers was published in my country, so in about 4 months I read more than 10,000 pages. Then There was a very long year of waiting until AMoL. A that point I was so eager to read the end, that I bought the english hardcover from Amazon, and that became my FIRST english novels. Obviusly It was a difficult reading for me at times, but I enjoyed it so much that It was worth the trouble. I think that what Brandon did With WoT was beautiful and that the end  was magnificent. At this point I had the mix of joy and sadness that always follow when something big for you end. And so I had the need to find something else to read, I started Mistborn and I loved it. But the real thing appened around a year ago, when in a bookshop I picked up the Way of Kings. I read It in 4-5 days and I found myself thinking "SOMETHING HAS CHANGED". For me WoK changed everything and after a week Words of Radiance was out. So I bought the ebook, and was true love. What follows It is history, I read every Brandon's work and followed his blog and sometimes this forum. I never signed up 'cause I didn't want to loose myself even more. But today I decided to make this big mistake of dedicating my life to this board and to the art of theorizing. So here I am.
I regret that to drive me to join was the blog-post about the changing to the end of Wor on Brandon site. But i'll express my opinion on the metter in the proper thread.


Sorry about this long post, I hope I'll find home here, and I am eager to start theorizing about how investiture affects people and other things with the lot of you. :)  :)  :)

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