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Szeth & Taln


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*** Warning, this is a crackpot theory. ***


I have been wondering for some time what Szeth did to deserve his unique punishment.  Making someone a truthless and giving him an Honorblade couldn't have happened before (or at least often) since Szeth's abilities are so unknown on Roshar.  I eventually decided that whatever Szeth had done, the stone shamans chose his specific punishment to discredit him.  Since there are quotes from Szeth that seem to suggest he was wrong about the Radiants returning, I assumed that Szeth had started telling his people that a desolation was on its way.


The above is the sane part of the theory.  Here comes the crazy.  I previously thought Szeth predicted the desolation because he had bonded a spren like all the other Radiants running around.  But while I was pondering the issue of Taln who probably isn't the same person who appeared at the end of WoK, I wondered if maybe Taln had already returned to Roshar.  Perhaps he talked to some of the Shin and told them things that contradicted everything they believed, calling 9 of the 10 Heralds cowards and claiming their god is dead.  The Shin are religious folk and I can't see them being pleased to hear such things.  In fact, they might go so far as to imprison the returned Herald and prevent anyone from repeating his crazy ideas - including claiming the man in early contact with Taln who had been talking about his encounter is a blasphemous lying Truthless.  Then they gave the man the worst punishment they could imagine.

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There are already a ton of theories about Szeth out there.  The best I've heard, though I don't  remember where, is something about Szeth telling the stone shamans that the shin gods (voidbringers) were returning and the stone shamans not believing Szeth. (Making him truthless for his punishment).

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