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Aon Drawing Contest! [Spoilers for Elantris]

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I've decided to run an Aon drawing contest.  To enter, simply post a reply containing an image of your hand-drawn Aon.  Bonus points will be awarded for combinations of Aons.  Chasm lines not required.  I'm accepting entries until Tuesday, February 10, so start drawing now, amateur Elantrians!  (Also, PM me if you'd like to help judge.  Judges cannot enter.)


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  • 2 weeks later...

As the only other contestant, can I express how not at all surprised I am.


Sidenote: I cheated. That was not my hand-drawn aon. It was hand-drawn by a friend of mine, a Mr. Brandon Sanderson. He signed my copy of The Emperor's Soul, and I asked him to personalize it by drawing the Aon Rao with the chasm line. Rest assured, he's aware that there's a reason other people do his artwork for him, and I don't think we'd have to tell him there were only two contestants to not surprise him to learn he came dead last in an Aon drawing contest.

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