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Calamity's arrival


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Book one say explicitly that the Epics began manifesting powers 1 year after Calamity arrived.


The prologue of this book seems to imply that it was almost immediate.


Did I misread something?


Peter Ahlstrom said here that the screaming mentioned in the prologue didn't have anything to do with Epics developing powers. We're still foggy on the details, but it's pretty clear that Epics didn't appear until a year after Calamity.

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Peter Ahlstrom said here that the screaming mentioned in the prologue didn't have anything to do with Epics developing powers. We're still foggy on the details, but it's pretty clear that Epics didn't appear until a year after Calamity.

Which makes Dawnslight all the more weird, because he did appear immediately afterwards. Honestly, none of us is really sure what´s up with him.

Edited by Edgedancer
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Which makes Dawnslight all the more weird, because he did appear immediately afterwards. Honestly, none of us is really sure what´s up with him.



Unless the leadership of the Faithful do know what is going on with him... My suspicion is that he's an anti-Calamity force of some description.

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