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Finally Got In - New


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Hello everybody I'm new to the forum.  It took a couple of tries, but I finally got past whatever was stopping me from creating a profile.


I started reading Brandon Sanderson's books in 2013.  So far, I've covered all the Mistborn, Stormlight, Wheel of Time, and Reckoners books.  I've read some of the shorter stories like Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell, Sixth of the Dusk, and Mitosis.  I'm currently reading Firefight, and I hope to read Elantris and Warbreaker at some point this year, as well as the next two parts in the Wax and Wayne series.


I'm looking forward to getting to know the community better.



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Hello everybody I'm new to the forum.  It took a couple of tries, but I finally got past whatever was stopping me from creating a profile.


I started reading Brandon Sanderson's books in 2013.  So far, I've covered all the Mistborn, Stormlight, Wheel of Time, and Reckoners books.  I've read some of the shorter stories like Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell, Sixth of the Dusk, and Mitosis.  I'm currently reading Firefight, and I hope to read Elantris and Warbreaker at some point this year, as well as the next two parts in the Wax and Wayne series.


I'm looking forward to getting to know the community better.



I don't know what it is, but our spam filter has been marking people as spam a lot. (Yes, long time forum-goers, there actually is a spam filter!) I've had several legitimate people in the past two weeks email me about this. I'm sorry. It's on the weakest setting, something that is very much necessary as there definitely are a lot of spambots getting through. This setting has never really hit actual users until recently, so I'm not sure what's up. Sorry :(

In any case, greetings! I hope you enjoy your time here :)

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I don't get it. Sorry. Is this a Cosmere or Mistborn reference, because I haven't read those in a while.


Yes, it's a reference to the Mistborn stories, where a hemalurgic spike is sometimes... ahem... "cleverly" hidden or otherwise placed surreptitiously so Ruin can get to them.

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