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The Long Earth - Pratchett/Baxter

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Anybody else reading this one? At first I was thrown off because it has a completely different feel than anything Pratchett has done on his own, but after switching my head out of Discworld mode, man did this book click for me. I'm only about 100 pages in, but I already love it.

I also want to mention just how good it feels in my hands. I work at a bookstore. I pick up and a LOT of books. Most of them feel cheap. This book feels and looks like what a book is supposed to feel and look like.

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The main difference is that where his solo books seem to be primarily humor, this one is primarily serious (thought I've still gotten a few good laughs). It's still at the same level of brilliance, and it still has all the quirky goodness of Discworld.

I'm only about 1/3 through it so far, but I'm already thinking it might be the best book of the year.

Also, the front cover flap says it's the first novel of the collaboration, or something. I wonder if that means more books to come?

Edited by Jack the Halls
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