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Slight similarities between draenor and shattered plains


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Now I may just be stretching things to make them fit as the story of warcraft, particularly draenor is my favorite story. Anyhow let's begin.

We got the Alethi who had a leader who from what we know was either corrupte or swayed to bring back the void bringers ( Gavilar)

We got the Draenei who had a leader who was corrupted or swayed to pledge allegiance to demons and enslave his entire population ( Kil'Jaeden)

We got the listeners or parshendi who in order to conquer their opposition they willfully corrupt themselves with voidspren to gain great power( voidspren, Eshonai)

We got the orcs who willingly drink the blood of the demon Mannoroth to increase their power in order to conquer all(Mannoroth,Grommash)

Following the idea that the listeners are the native species on Roshar, it's make them even more similar as on draenor the orcs are the natives, and the Draenei were ousted from their home planet of Argus ( tranquilline halls) .

I'm sure there's more similarities, but those are the key ones to cement this thread. What do you Gus think?

Edited by Perlmutter
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