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Hi everyone, I've had an account here since the week WoR came out, been lurking around a lot. I first discovered these books when I picked up Mistborn by chance in a bookstore, I saw it, the title intrigued me, and I took it home. It was one of the best books I had ever read, the copy I bought on that day has long since disintegrated and been thrown away (I lend books out to friends if I like them, and they are free to lend them as well if they like it too, Mistborn got a real workout). Ever since I have picked up every book as it came out (Most on the day of release) I never really saw a reason to get involved in the 17th Shard until I really learned about how deep the Theory behind it can pull you in, every since I have been reading every Q&A I can find, every signing report I can find, and every theory I can find on this board.


I thank everyone who has worked to build this from it's beginning to what it has become, this forum is a treasure of knowledge for anyone who wants to know more about what is happening deeper behind the scenes of the Cosmere, I can even begin to tell how much I have learned myself and the kinds of theories myself and my friends have gotten from this forum.


(Sorry if I rambled a bit, I'm in a Programming class at the moment and mostly just trying to kill time)

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