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Keeper Antagonist

Guest Galavantes

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Guest Galavantes

A while back Deus Ex Biotica requested some ideas on the motivation for a keeper antagonist for his MB RPG campaign. There are several issues with the idea. Namely why is such an important member of the Terris community out risking himself to chase down a group of mistings/ferrings? Why isn't he oh I don't know, spending his time researching or working on continuing his extremely valuable bloodline with one of his dozens of wives?

I sort of went off on my own tangent with the idea, and while what I eventually came up with doesn't exactly fit his original request I liked it enough that I decided to throw it up here.

So here's my scenario:

Our group of motley adventurers stumble upon a runaway Terris female. This NPC is in possession of several copperminds (and possibly several other types of metalminds). We also run into a Keeper who claims these metalminds were stolen from him, and that they contain extremely valuable research on advanced feruchemistry. He will stop at nothing to recover them.

Our NPC claims that the information contained within them is extremely dangerous and must be kept from our antagonist at all costs. Our team has to decide whether to help our damsel or leave her to her fate. Each decision has its consequences.

As to what is actually contained on them, who the girl is, how she acquired them, and why she refuses to simply destroy them are all questions that our team will have to discover during the course of the campaign.

Personally I have my own ideas for those questions, in fact in my scenario its extremely important that the NPC be a terris female, as well as a ferring and possibly a twinborn. But I assume any GM would want to make those decisions for him/herself.

I would run this campaign myself but alas I have neither the time nor the group of people to do so. If anyone is interested in my thoughts on what's going on behind the scenes feel free to PM me. I've actually considered writing a short story on the topic but I don't know what brandon's feelings are on fan fiction.

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Guest Galavantes

It's a cool scenario to give an RPG group, but I am a little confused about why you chose to post it, but no further elaboration...

Mainly because I didn't want to spoil it for any players who happen to be reading, I'm more than willing to elaborate to any GMs who are interested.

Also like I said I might actually write a story around the idea if no one wants to run the campaign.

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