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Basics of my fantasy world. Need some feedback.


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1. The main land that I concentrated on, Was created by meteorite thousand years ago. 
https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/76...673/CJ1tqI.png This is just example of map. 
The red centre is constant magic storm. 
Blue is sea. 
Green is land. 
The crater have 3766 km in diameter. Is the entire Mediterranean sea from the Gibraltar to Haifa. 

2. There are many different sentient species. Elf, Dwarf, Human, Troll. Etcetera. 
- All species are immigrants from other worlds. 
- The Magic storm in the middle is place from with new creatures come to this world. 

3. The Technologies is around early Medieval. 500 after Christ. 

4. The world was colonize in waves by different races. Every new species colonize around the crater. The new races either exterminate older race, subjugate them, or drive them away from the center sea. 

5. The newest race are Humans. They Immigrate from ancient Rome. 
- They are the Roman's them self and slaves. (Majority are Slavic slaves, but Greek, Celtic, Egyptian and German.)
- They subjugate some races, and try to exterminate other's. 
- Humans use two language. Latin(High Borne, Nobles, Rules), and Slavic(Majority of humans, slaves.) 

6. The recent History. 
500 years ago Human shows up. 
400 years ago the last non Human kingdom fail. The Second Holy Roman Empire rule over entire crater. The races that where not enslave where driven to the wastelands (Desert, tundra, glaciers)
100 Years ago the "Mad" Silver Mage try to became a God.

- He sucks life from all humans slave instantly. Killing directly and indirectly 1/3 of human population. 
- This event cause the God's wrath / Mage Storm. (The red circle grow to almost entire sea). Part's of Empire where cut off from each other. 
70 Years ago The magic storm return to it's normal size. But, that 30 years of separation cause many human and non human kingdoms to rise. 
Currently there are no major wars. But the governments use criminals (for example Pirates) to harass each other.
Slavery is almost gone. Primary do to economical reasons. Humans slaves are very expensive, and nobody want one more time create situation that cause the God's wrath. 

7. There is magic in this world. Currently I want 4 types of magic, but I have concrete ideas for just 2. 

- Gold magic. - Is the divine magic, that holy people use. It's the rarest and the most powerful one. Using it is like taking the best drug ever. You literally feel the love of God/God's. Sadly the user of Gold magic turn in to the Gold statues. The "dead" saint people are put in public. They usually do one MAJOR miracle, like saving the entire town from plague, and stop permanently. There is no possibilities of turning saint back to the life. There is no power limit. Saint's ad best decide how quickly they want meet a god. There is less than 1 in a Milion people that use this type of magic, and a;ways they are religious zealots. 

- Silver - This is the cursed branch of magic. The user's of Silver magic are deadly, powerful, and have attitude of starving tiger with a sore tooth. They are easy to spot since they have silver scares on there bodies. Using this magic is like self-immolation. When you do this, you have This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the ruleThis post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules good reason to do this, and in the most cases you want hurt other's. Most people don't survived the first use. Does who survive can, with training, patience and big tolerance to the pain, learn to use Silver magic without killing them selves. They do not have specialization. They can heal, manipulate energy. But they pay in pain. This type of magic is popular (1 in 1000) But only 1 in 100 survive first use. So practically only 1 in 100 000 people can be a Silver mage. The power of this type of Mages depend purely on they bodies/mind resistance to pain. 


The two magic styles that i have no concrete fission are Cooper and Iron magic. Any suggestion for this? I need some practical but weak magic. Magic can be use by all races. 

I consider to just limiting types of magic to 3 instead of 4. I really want third type that is weak but practical. Also I want that more you know about the Science-Nature-Physics then more you can do. For example: Mage want to hurt his opponent. If he decide to strike him witch lighting, it will be very energy consuming. Not only the creation of electric charge, but also controlling it so it hit the right target. But if he use water as a deliver system, his energy bill will go down. And it will be significantly smaller if he just use magic to throw a rock add him. 


8. The circle that you see on map is not all green and good. 
The North is cold place. With little cities and places to stop. The ports there freeze in the winter. And the most fertile lands there are near Vulcan's. 
South is mostly desert, with population concentrate around few rivers. 
The middle belt of the circle is the most fertile land, and it is place with majority of population/ the most amount of cities. 
South and North are places where are majority of non human kingdoms. 

9. The coast of crater is the richest land, since it allow quickest travel, and the biggest/oldest cities are build around it(This is place where all new races land for the first time). All kingdoms fight for the access to the crater, ore if they have it. Fight for domination over the crater. 

10. Magic storm in the middle is constant hazard. everybody try to swim near the shores. Sea monster's are also present.

11. Reason why Humans dominate world. 
- They are more organize then other races (Goblins)
- They birth rate is higher and they mature quicker then other races. (Dwarf, Elf)
So they have more organize/disciplined army, and can quicker renew there numbers. 

12. Little about other races. 
Dwarf's has the biggest amount of slow twitch muscles fibers. They can walk/fight/work for days without being tired. There woman are equal to the man to the point that there are problem's with distinguish there sexes. But they do not have big amount of children's. If they where not long-lived they would be extinct. They life around 200 years, and are consider grown ups around 30, pregnancy is around 12 month's 
Elf's have the biggest amount of fast twitching muscles. The average human can work/fight twice as long as Elf, and ten times longer walk. But Elf's can for very short amount of time move extremely fast. They can life to a thousand years. They grown up around 120. Pregnancy is around 15 months. 
Goblin's are small, quickly reproduce race. They are not very bright, and mostly use simple tools, or stuff stolen from others. Sometimes, the smart specimen show up, and than they can be very dangerous. They are grown ups when they are 7, but die to the old age around 25-30. Pregnancy last 4 months. 

13. There are many Human religion. 
- The Christianite. (Early variation)
- Ancient Rome religion. (Mars, Venus)
- Slavic slaves religion. (Perun, Svarog)

What you think about this? Any extra ideas?

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Ideas for your magic system:

Copper is a great conductor of energy (both thermal and electrical) so perhaps this metal could have to do with the movement of energy. A copper magic user might be able to use the heat in the air around themselves to light something on fire or redirect the kinetic energy of a physical blow. You could limit this system by having the energy that is redirected pass through their bodies causing some form of permanent damage if you attempt something too extreme. Perhaps these magic users could do one great spell and then die immediately after. Your understanding of the science and flow of energy could give you greater power.

Iron is a magnetic metal and in folklore is sometimes related to sensing energy or pathfinding. I think it could be cool if iron magic users could see energy fields. This would allow them to sense objects through walls of see the energy of living beings (it could be very difficult to hide from them). I'm kind of imagining them as hunters or scouts (maybe assassins). Maybe they could even sense weakness or sickness in the body or sense people's emotions.

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