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Sanderson Events in Utah

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Hey, im pretty new to this website but I was wondering if anyone knows about Brandon Sanderson events or related activities someone could do in Utah? I know Brandon is from here and I was wondering if there are any spots of inspiration for the books or any thing else. Other fantasy activity ideas would also help me out so much, im trying to plan something for my Sanderson loving boyfriend. 

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34 minutes ago, LuckyHat said:

Hey, im pretty new to this website but I was wondering if anyone knows about Brandon Sanderson events or related activities someone could do in Utah? I know Brandon is from here and I was wondering if there are any spots of inspiration for the books or any thing else. Other fantasy activity ideas would also help me out so much, im trying to plan something for my Sanderson loving boyfriend. 

Hi! Welcome to the Shard, glad to have you here! ^_^

While I can't speak on any actual events going on, Brandon has mentioned on a few occasions that the cliffs, red rock and windblown stone formations in Southern Utah were a big influence on the worldbuilding for Roshar. The Shattered Plains, the Kholinar windblades and the overall rocky nature of the continent are some specific examples. 

In this WOB he also provides some specific locations.


Joshua Gibson

Has becoming an Eagle Scout affected your career?

Brandon Sanderson

It's hard to say, because it's hard to say who I would be if I hadn't done things that I did back when I was a teenager. I do think that getting me outside, rather than always being inside, was good for me. Being a scout, and going on camp outs, and being familiar with that let me, when my friend Micah (who Captain Demoux is named after, Micah DeMoux) asked me in college if I wanted to go with him on photography trips (he's a fine art photographer), and he wanted someone to just go along with him and hold his equipment and stuff like that. And it involved camping, and things like that. And I was able to say "Yeah, sure. I can do that. I've done that."

And it was just not outside the ordinary for me. And that is where I went to slot canyons and Goblin Valley in southern Utah and Zion's National Park. And the ecology of Roshar is deeply influenced by all those trips to southern Utah I took visiting all of the amazing landscape that we have here in Arches National Park and Bryce Canyon and Little Wild Horse and all of that stuff.

That's one thing I can point to, that maybe I would have said "no" if I just hadn't camped a bunch as a teenager.

YouTube Livestream 5 (March 16, 2020)

Hope that helps!

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