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Elden Ring Hype


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Yepp, absolutely not a fan of those Souls-like games. Tried Demon Souls, Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne and did not get into those games. I have heard a ton of praise for them and I am sure I'll try Returnal soonish, but all in all I don't have the time to spend several hours on an enemy without progress due to the fact that I have 2 kids and not that much spare time to begin with.

But if the developers decide to throw in a save-anywhere feature and an easy mode, I'd buy it day 1. I know that the argument is that this would ruin the experience, but the alternative is that a lot of players can not enjoy the game at all. And from what I heard and saw, there is a lot of lore and hidden story that I really would like to see. Even more with George R.R. Martin being responsible for that...


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5 hours ago, Orlion Blight said:

But I wanna be a consumer whore! *stomps foot*

But you can be! Even if you buy it first on PS4, you can digitally upgrade it to the PS5 version at no additional cost once you get a PS5. (If you get the version without a disc drive, you should buy the digital PS4 version for this to work). No word yet on if savegames can be transfered between the versions though. But at the worst you'd have to start a game you really like (otherwise, why bother getting another version of it) from scratch. ^_^

Never underestimate the ways you can spend your money! :lol:

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  • 4 months later...

I have been a strong gamer since 2014, and since then, I've played and tried different types of games. My favorite one is FIFA. During the past three years, I've played FIFA (FIFA 19, FIFA 20, and FIFA 21) every day. I was lucky all these three years because I got every year free FIFA cd-keys. In this way, I saved up a lot of money. It's easy to get carried away with soccer games like FIFA. Like most soccer fans, I love watching professional matches featuring famous players like Messi and Ronaldo on TV or online.

Edited by Claristroik6
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