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Hoid and the Spiritual Realm


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So I've been thinking about the Cosmere and a number of the things Brandon has said about Worldhopping.


We know that Hoid, Gallodon, and Demoux are able to Worldhop using Shadesmar, but also the Sel is no longer such a great place to access Shadesmar (WOB).


Yet we also know that Hoid was on Sel, left Sel, and will either still be on Sel or else return there for Elantris 2 depending on where in the Cosmere timeline Elantris 2 lines up. He also was on Sel to steal the Moon Septer from Shai in The Emperor's Soul, ~30 years after Elantris - so again he came and went (I sincerely doubt Hoid just hangs around anywhere for that long). So how does he do it? Is he able to somehow overcome the "very bad idea-"ness Brandon described in regards to accessing Shadesmar from Sel?


Or does he also utilize the Spiritual Realm. We know certain individuals can 'hop' into the cognitive realm, so why not the spiritual? And given the little we know about the nature of the Spiritual Realm, it would make sense that Hoid's access/utilization of this realm contributes to his ability to have not actually had to 'live all those years' between the various books.


And if this is so, who else can access the Spiritual Realm? And what role will this play in the Cosmere?



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I honestly have no idea. The "very bad idea" you mention is the Dor - the stew of undirected power left behind after Devotion and Dominion got their butts handed to them by Odium. Remember the way Aons glow when you draw them? I'm 90% sure that's a little window into the sort of conditions Shadesmar on Elantris has to offer. Perhaps Hoid has something that drives away investiture, or is so invested himself that he's immune. However, who knows? Maybe he does use the spiritual realm - maybe he burns a tiny fragment of lerasium to rewrite his position as being on a different shardworld when he wants to travel.

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I think of Hoid's ability to worldhop on Sel to be more akin to experience than some magical trick. Like a sailor who is very familiar with the very dangerous reef around an island who knows exactly where to steer the ship to avoid becoming a wreck.


Regardless of how he does it, we know Hoid has a base somewhere in the Cosmere... why not Sel, somewhere that is difficult for others (such as the 17th Shard) to get in and out of?

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I think of Hoid's ability to worldhop on Sel to be more akin to experience than some magical trick. Like a sailor who is very familiar with the very dangerous reef around an island who knows exactly where to steer the ship to avoid becoming a wreck.


Regardless of how he does it, we know Hoid has a base somewhere in the Cosmere... why not Sel, somewhere that is difficult for others (such as the 17th Shard) to get in and out of?

I personally doubt that Hoid's base will be anywhere in the Cosmere we've seen before. But that's just speculation; it's entirely possible that it will be on Sel as well.

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We know that Hoid, Gallodon, and Demoux are able to Worldhop using Shadesmar, but also the Sel is no longer such a great place to access Shadesmar (WOB).

Do we know that Galladon and Demoux use shadesmar? there are a lot of theories about it, but do we have any confirmation?

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Do we know that Galladon and Demoux use shadesmar? there are a lot of theories about it, but do we have any confirmation?

I believe we know that every Shardworld has a way to worldhop, but not necessarily that it always involves Shadesmar.

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Well consider this, people from Sel can make the Aons, right? One such Aon allows them to teleport. I haven't seen a rule that says they can't teleport between planets. I mean, sure, you'd probably need like, a star chart, or something, and some really accurate coordinates, but that might be why Sel is so hard pressed to Worldhop, since there is so much specific science to it.

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