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Gaming the System - Crazy Extrapolations

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Okay, so as the Lord Ruler has so effectively demonstrated, there's a lot of options you can get by poking at the weird edge cases.  Now, obviously there's no way to *know* whether these would work, so this is going to be a collection of the 'cool and not technically impossible'.  Feel free to add your own!  So long as they aren't boring.



Shadow Awakening

Okay, everybody knows that things get easier to Awaken the closer they are to the awakener, right?  I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that the requirement for something to be 'organic' is a reflection of this .  Now, awakening seems to work based on the same cognitive 'complete identity' that prevent Shai from just forging a whole wall - Vasher can animate an entire set of clothing or just a shirt if he wants to (even if they're not physically connected), but animating only a portion of something seems to be no good.  Thing is, if it's based on something's 'cognitive presence,' any target made of cognitive stuff should do.


So, you spend a bunch of Breath and Awaken your own shadow (but not too much - your shadow matches your shape very well, and isn't very massive).  Now, there's a lot of crazy stuff that it could do (shadow limbs or illusions or something), but even if it's useless, it's a heck of a good way to hide your excess Breath without a chance of losing it.  After all, they can't steal your shadow from you, can they? 


Alternatively... it might be called shadesmar for a reason.  If you Awaken something with only a cognitive presence and no physical existence (like a shadow), you very well could create a portal into Shadesmar.  After all, every magic system has *some* way to access Shadesmar.



Bad Savant

As far as we understand, becoming a savant with a metal essentially rips troughs through your spiritweb, and ends up warping you.  This is a predictable set of changes related to the metal you're using. 


Now, bad alloys (and nonallomantic metals) aren't inert.  They do bad things to you (like giving you a headache or killing you), but technically they're still doing something - power's being channeled somewhere, even if it's not a useful place.  So let's say you've got a mistborn who understands their spiritweb very well, and has both endurance and sheer bloody-mindedness.  Actually, let's make this a feruchemistborn, tapping compounded Health and Determination the whole time so he can actually pull this off. Let's name him Ted.


In principle, Ted could flare 'headache duralumin' or 'liver failure lead' or something, and leave it going for months and months.  Now, he'll be warping himself in weird-but-predictable ways - causing changes to his spiritweb that are completely foreign to normal allomancers.  In principle, that means Ted might be able to create a new allomantic ability entirely - drill a hole with nickel-tin alloy, have it meet up with the chasm you ripped into with lead and silver, and suddenly you can eat lead and turn things magnetic.  Or even become a windrunner or something.


Or, alternatively, even if you don't develop new allomantic abilities, we know that people get *physically* altered by becoming a savant.  Pewter and tin obviously are examples of that happening, but even a steel savant can get a bit warped.  With the right formula, you might be able to alter your body in other ways.  Gain immunity to headaches, grow gills, undergo the Sheod, turn your arms into kandra flesh, or become able to metabolize cellulose.  Something like that.


Now, this may seem like a needlessly difficult method of doing research, with an extremely high fatality rate... and that's entirely true.  I still think it's *slightly* easier and less fatal to do than research on hemalurgy.



Forge Cloning

Now, Brandon's said this one is a 'can of worms', so I'm deliberately choosing to interpret that as leaving a chance for this to work.


Let's say we've got The Lord Ruler.  Hi, Lord Ruler!  He's able to compound gold and regenerate half his body.  The bigger piece always gets the soul in situations where people get chopped in half, and if they're equal, it's randomly distributed.


So we get a stage magician to cut the Lord Ruler in half.  Both halves have metalminds, and he instinctively taps them when injured, so no matter which half gets the soul, he'll regenerate.  So the Lord Ruler regenerates... leaving us with Lord Ruler A and half a Lord Ruler.


Shai, as the attractive magician's assistant, writes a small and plausible stamp.  'This half was the one that got the soul'.  She sticks it onto the half that didn't regenerate.  Since it's now the half that always had the soul, obviously that half of The Lord Ruler regenerated.  So it starts tapping metalminds, and grows back to become The Lord Ruler.  So now we've got The Lord Ruler, and a clone of him standing on the stage.  The audience applauds!


Now, there are a couple other weird things that 'could' happen.  The Lord Ruler could end up with two bodies controlled by the same mind, or he could end up getting transferred entirely into the new body, leaving the body that first regenerated as a soulless corpse - which might become resouled after twenty-four hours, giving him a backup body for public appearances.  And let's say that Vin jumped out of the audience and managed to kill Lord Ruler A.  It might be possible to resurrect The Lord Ruler by forging the history, and moving the soul into a spare body (by pretending that it was always there all along). 


You might be able to trick out shardplate with the same technique, and make a single piece regenerate into two whole sets.




Anyone else have crazy ideas?

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Perhaps that's the way of unlocking Shadesmar through Allomancy; ripping yourself apart until there's a big enough void to step into. That's a trippy thought, stepping through your own soul.

Instead, you could quickly be a Savant by burning something cheap and harmless like Copper, but simultaneously flaring it with Duralumin, or a Nicroburster. They're probably too expensive and burn too quickly to do by the time of AoL.

Demoux probably did it through flaring a whole stomach of Atium, even after the battle at the end of HoA was over. No one had ever become an Atium Savant before, and being the body of Ruin it probably has a much worse effect on your spiritweb.

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Heh. Shadow awakening was literally the first idea I got after reading Warbreaker :) Though in my case I imagined Shadow ending up much like Nightblood after sinking ten thousand Breaths in it - a bodiless , sentient demon of destruction. I wonder what commands you could give it...

Also, to reiterate: Terminator - full metal robot Awakening- seems nice.

Also, the way to create sentient Lifeless - after all, they are close to sentience with just one Breath - just sink more with a proper command :)

Death ray fabrials- capture several Deathspren in a gem heart, fill with Stormlight and direct at your enemy for mass effect.

Hemalurgy is your friend, phantom. It seems that almost every positioning of the charged spike will leave you alive for a while, though you may grow gills and suffocate, and are likely to go nuts. Hema spiking your own clone embryos seems to be a good way to increase power :) And I also always wondered what impure metals actually do.

Sel: incremental forging- forge by adding a sequence of small, plausible stamps, to forge yourself into a Firebreathing Koloss.


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Liquid metal is kinda difficult, why not use the


Exsanguinator 1000

Use plaster and make a full cast of your body.  Get a ton of (un)willing volunteers, and fill up the entire void with a hundred and seventy pints of human blood.  Mix with ichor-alcohol, to taste. 


It's made from humans, and it has a human shape.  Awaken that sucker as a Lifeless - it won't even take that many Breath.


Now, the blood's going to go bad over time, but we know from the scenes repairing Clod that you can replace parts and keep the Lifeless going.  And we know that touching moving blood causes you to (in some way) touch someone's spiritual aspect, which is why the soulshielding on allomancy happens.  So these constantly-rotting amorphous shapeshifting Lifeless would be forced to continuously replace their blood from the people they kill, accumulating more energy by devouring the souls of the ones they exsauginate, and spreading plague all the while.


A pretty nice monster.

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Minor thought: Is it possible to stamp yourself so you had a twin, thereby creating a twin? Or am I misunderstanding how Forgery works? Or could you stamp yourself/another person so that another person (say your sibling, to make it stick better) was actually your twin?


Could you then use hemalurgy to steal their allomantic/feruchemic/other powers? Would that make the hemalurgic spike not last very long?


Can you awaken hemalurgic spikes? Or Shardblades?


Lets say you stabbed someone with a hemalurgic spike which had been used to kill someone, but which had the wrong metal used to steal their powers. Could you Soulcast it into the right metal and give them the power?


Could you soulstamp yourself into Shadesmar?


I'm pretty sure there's a Dakhor ritual to get into Shadesmar, although I don't know how many apprentices you have to kill to do so :P


If you had an enormous amount of Stormlight, could you Reverse Lash an object strongly enough to make it into a black hole? [Note: the science behind this works. Every object has something called a Schwarzchild radius, based on its mass, which is the radius at which, if the object was compressed (keeping its mass) to a sphere of that radius, then the escape velocity at the surface would be c, the speed of light. If an object is smaller than its Schwarzchild radius, it becomes a black hole. The Earth has a Schwarzchild radius of around 0.9mm, the Sun 3km or so. The Schwarzchild radius is proportional to an object's mass, which a Reverse lashing doesn't increase, but gravity is also a variable where Surgebinding is concerned - give and object a Reverse Lashing, you increase its gravitational pull but not its mass, and you also (very slightly) increase it's Schwarzchild radius. Give it a big enough Reverse Lashing, it becomes a Black Hole (in theory).]


Most of these ideas probably don't work, but a couple might lead to interesting places.

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If you had an enormous amount of Stormlight, could you Reverse Lash an object strongly enough to make it into a black hole?


Well, an Iron Compounder could in principle become dense enough to slow down time because of gravitational forces.  Though, according to Peter, "Right now I'm thinking there is not enough accessible iron on the planet."  So I think you'd need to like, eat the highstorms.  All of them.





Can you awaken hemalurgic spikes? Or Shardblades?

It depends on how big they are, I think.  Nightblood and shardblades are arguably 'full' of investiture, so they probably can't be used as a hemalurgic spike... but if you started with a spike you could probably build Nightblood around it.  Dunno how that would work with different foci - maybe you'd end up with a Nightblade that could sense allomancy when fed the color orange or something.  Or steal mental traits from a dying guy and upload them into a sword.


Nightblood is apparently 'orders of magnitude' more magical than a shardblade, so that might mean the investiture is stored in a denser manner, which would make them compatible.



Incidentally, that lead me to start thinking about the 'more mechanical' magic that the other dudes had on the Southern Continent.  I was thinking, having blood in motion is apparently part of the spiritual aspect for hemalurgy, and it's the spiritweb that determines the form that power comes into when using allomancy.  So if you make a circular pipe with pumps, fill them with blood, stick hemalurgic spikes in, and add in iron filings, you might be able to make an artificial lurcher engine.  Basically, if the hemalurgic spikes are themselves chunks of spiritweb, I don't see any reason why you *necessarily* need to stick them into a person to get the spiritweb to do things.

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Yeah, that seems reasonable, if annoying. Though could you say, multiply the effect by teaming up with bendalloy users?


That seems like a reasonably plausible idea for how the southern continent make their magic work. Makes me wonder if Soulcast blood works the same as regular blood in carrying spiritual essence (or whatever).


That also makes me wonder how 'dense' investiture can get, why Nightblood seems to have so much more investiture - is there no limit, and Nightblood was just made that way? Or is it related to the Intent of Endowment that allows Nightblood to become more investiture dense? How investiture dense do metalminds get? Could you create a steel sword, use it as a metalmind to store speed, and then awaken it so that it can feed off of Breath to provide you with speed, rather than having to use your own?


Steel is the best material for a sword, but what if you stored heat in a brassmind, then awakened it with lots of breaths? If you have enough stored heat it's theorised you can release it explosively, sort of like a bomb (except you're protected) although storing that much heat is really difficult. But what if you used Breaths to fuel it instead? A reusable bomb, centred on yourself but not harming you?


Or do you stop being immune to the effects of your own feruchemy once you start using Breath as a fuel? Would that sword make you fast without storing speed, but also mean you couldn't go too fast without your skin catching fire? Would that brassmind harm you with its heat as well, essentially making a magical suicide bomb?


When Brandon talks about a 'Conflux' book, does he mean magic systems actually merging, or people having access to multiple magic systems? I don't see why the first would be necessary when there is so much potential just in the second.

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Makes me wonder if Soulcast blood works the same as regular blood in carrying spiritual essence (or whatever).

Only quote I have about that says that you could feed a vampire with soulcast blood.  Which might or might not mean that it works - depends what kind of vampire Brandon was thinking of (it probably was a classical one, not a Returned, and there's a lot of variation there).



When Brandon talks about a 'Conflux' book, does he mean magic systems actually merging, or people having access to multiple magic systems? I don't see why the first would be necessary when there is so much potential just in the second.

Probably just people meeting each other.  That said, he's mentioned you can get weird stuff if you crossbreed awakeners and mistborn.

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Hmm... Blood golems are fine, I guess... But they are not cool enough. Metal all the way. At first, I wondered how such a construct would move, but then I realized that awakened objects can flex... So the springs should be able to contract. Make a humanlike golem, with springs for muscles, gears, blades and whatnot, and Awaken it with 10000 Breaths and Command "Destroy good," then see what happens :)

As for Hemaengine... I think you need living blood for that. Also, they have very few Allomancers on the South continent. Using up five of them is a waste. I am thinking more along the lines of Mist Engines :) Or maybe the Allomancy *can* be collected by killing normal people enmasse... Brandon never answered that.


For the twin spike idea - just clone yourself <_< Hemalurgy works from conception, after all. Induce division in the zygote, and stab away.


As for the Investiture density - maybe Shardblade just isn't full enough yet, while Nightblood is filled to capacity? It does seem much weaker.

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Wait. Metalminds are immune to their own abilities, right? So a brassmind doesn't melt, no matter how hot you get?


Make a thin brass sword - a rapier, basically. Store heat. Awaken it, with the command that it fills the sword with heat as well as you (or not even you - just make sure it keeps your immunity to the heat), fill it with Breaths and use those up for heat.


Using Feruchemy and Awakening, I have invented a lightsaber.


Note: While you technically could do this with Awakening 1) it would probably melt the sword and 2) The heat would probably kill the wielder as well. The only reason it works in Star Wars is because supposedly it's actually supercharged plasma contained in a magnetic field and STOP ASKING QUESTIONS LASER SWORDS ARE AWESOME.

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We know feruchemic Iron doesn't make you get crushed under your own weight, and (at least according to the RPG...) tapping brass never makes you burn yourself.


Oh man, don't get me started with cross-magic interactions.  I think about that crap all the time.  We'd probably want a different thread to discuss things like that.  However, here's my contribution (which does cross planets, if not magic systems)


Idle Hands

Step 1: Sever your arm using a Shardblade.  It now hangs limply at your side

Step 2: Awaken your dead arm (<-- this will also be the name of your metal band.  You may need to play drums, Def Leppard style)


I'm not sure what you're going to accomplish with this.  But if someone else awakens your arm first, you'll have to man up, cut it off, and find yourself a chainsaw.  

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We know feruchemic Iron doesn't make you get crushed under your own weight, and (at least according to the RPG...) tapping brass never makes you burn yourself.


Yeah but there's a difference - since it's not the brassmind heating up or cooling down, it's the feruchemist himself, it's the dude using the power who gets the protection. 


I mean you can still totally swallow some brass and go Human Torch, keeping the molten metalmind in your stomach.



And yeah, feed a Lifeless to a Kandra and see what happens.  Unfortunately I got RAFOed on my other questions along those lines (Blessings+Lifeless and Blessings+Parshman).  Sticking a Divine Breath into a parshman would be pretty cool, I think.


I've previously mentioned this in other threads, but at a signing Brandon apparently confirmed breath+mistwraith could make something awesome.



"Can you put Breath into a Mistwraith? Would that make something awesome?"

Note: he paused for a couple moments, and seemed like the idea hadn't occurred to him before.

"Putting Breath into a Mistwraith? Yeah, that could definitely work."



Also, this is only /barely/ an exploit, but since you can split up hemalurgic spikes (at the cost of some of their charge), and feruchemical spikes allow people to tap metalminds from the original dude, you can totally split up a feruchemy spike and share metalminds between two people.


I think the possibilities for that (particularly with metals like copper and aluminum) are quite interesting.

Going a little further, I think that means you might be able to use a double-pointed spike and connect two people together by impaling them in the same spot. Or something even bigger - I'm picturing some sort of giant thorny tree made of brass and copper, where you grab a cable, pierce your ear, and upload and download memories between the other people linked to it.

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Burn a bucketload of duralumin by itself and store it into a Nicrosilmind. Keep doing this for as long as you need, over a period of days or weeks until the nicrosilmind is full. Use it all at once at the same moment as you burn Duralumin again, giving a huge boost to your boosting power.


Quick math behind it, say Duralumin makes Allomantic metal A 100x more powerful. The Nicrosil stores 100xAxT, the T being how long it can be sustained for. If A is duralumin, that's 10,000xTime, and the time is compressed. Say if you store for one week, that's 604800 seconds. The next metal is 6,048,000,000 times more powerful than normal.

That's not even using multiple nicrosilminds and more supplies of duralumin to make some ridiculous feedback loop.


Steelpush yourself into deep space.

Riot an entire planet into berserker mode.

Slide yourself into the Mistborn future trilogy.

Try using it with Atium, then become Dalek Caan in Journey's End; "I can see through time itself!"

Also, become an instant savant. It'd really mess you up if you burnt a bad metal.


I want someone to burn two metals at once, then use Duralumin. The best combination I can think of is Atium and Tin for omniscience. I'm sure there's tons more cool ones.


Try a duralumin-enhanced Awakening to increase your effective amount of Breaths.

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Also, this is only /barely/ an exploit, but since you can split up hemalurgic spikes (at the cost of some of their charge), and feruchemical spikes allow people to tap metalminds from the original dude, you can totally split up a feruchemy spike and share metalminds between two people.


I think the possibilities for that (particularly with metals like copper and aluminum) are quite interesting.

Going a little further, I think that means you might be able to use a double-pointed spike and connect two people together by impaling them in the same spot. Or something even bigger - I'm picturing some sort of giant thorny tree made of brass and copper, where you grab a cable, pierce your ear, and upload and download memories between the other people linked to it.


this reminds me of a post I made about temporary hemalurgy:

We don't really know how hemalurgy bind points work, but lets pretend being stabbed in the right spot in the hand would be enough to steal an allomantic power by ripping out part of the spiritweb. Obviously, this would hurt (and according to Brandon, would leave them a different person) but not kill the person. If this were the case, could you walk around with a spike sticking out of your hand and stab people with it, temporarily giving them your powers? That sounds absurd and macabre, but imagine:

In the future, people could have metal "nodes" installed in their bodies, surgically implanted with bloodmaker ferrings standing by to keep the operation safe. These nodes would be either small plugs or small prongs. By sticking your prong in someone else' plug, you have temporarily merged spiritwebs because you are now piercing their body with your own hemalurgic spike. This would be particularly useful with Ferrings, as the recipient would be able to tap your metalminds. The uses of sharing copperminds would be staggering, let alone the utilitarian uses of most other metalminds excepting probably physical strength and speed. This is why bloodmakers would be there for the operation: as soon as a node is installed, a bloodmaker would link up so the recipient could tap an already stored goldmind to heal the wound enough to prevent side effects (but not enough to start pushing it out, I suppose).

This would likely lead to research into hemalurgic "extensions". Such as creating a cable that's hemalurgically charged but neutral, which takes on properties of whatever node it's plugged into so the characters don't have to touch shoulder-to-hip all the time.

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Feruchemical Radar

Okay, so tin feruchemy is supposed to enhance the 'five senses', but, well, people having five senses is a misconception, and you can also use tin to get rid of pain, which honestly isn't covered even under the 'five senses' model. So it's pretty obvious that the limit is an in-universe one owing to a lack of sensory research.

Now, what can we do with that? Well, there are a lot of very faint senses both real and in-universe that would be really great to use if you could actually, you know, use them. And since they're so faint, there'd be very little consequence for tapping... though that also means that you'd have to charge for a long time or compound.

Magnetoreception: Oddly enough, humans actually have this; it's just ridiculously weak. Being able to sense magnetic fields seems fairly useful in Mistborn - especially since we know that the Well of Ascension defines magnetic north, so clearly there's *something* going on with magnetism. Some people who can tell a live extension cord from a dead one in blind tests, so... sorta useful.

Kinesthesia : Your awareness of your body's location in space. Enhanced by pewter burners, obviously. Becoming clumsy temporarily and more graceful later seems like a pretty good use to me. Other bits of proprioception are useful too, of course, including sense of balance.

Lifesense isn't granted by Breath, just enhanced by it. So a tin compounder could end up with a *massive* life-dar range, and know the exact location, health, and age of every dude in Elendel. Handy! Related to that, the 'detect your awakened objects' sense, which would only be useful for someone with a lot of spikes, and whatever kids and animals use to detect a Divine Breath.

Reserve-Sense. Hey, seeing those 'reserves' is a distinct sense as well. When storing, you'd have trouble detecting metalminds or metals, when tapping you'd... I guess be able to detect nearby allomantic or feruchemical metals? Get a real good look at the composition, and detect if someone else had feruchemically charged them (by looking for the feruchemical shadow).

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I'm glad you went with Tin Feruchemy instead of Allomancy.  I think the allomancy was designed with the human form in mind, and the normal human senses were the target.  The Feruchemy... could be the same, but I could see it being a blank "store whatever senses you happen to have" thing, too.


Kinesthesia : Your awareness of your body's location in space. Enhanced by pewter burners, obviously. Becoming clumsy temporarily and more graceful later seems like a pretty good use to me. Other bits of proprioception are useful too, of course, including sense of balance.


Incidentally, I always thought "Sense of balance" should've been part of Tin.

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There are a lot of senses beyond the traditional five. It's yet another one of those almost universally accepted 'facts' which happens to be incorrect. As is happens Pevcharry, balance is mentioned in that article I just listed.


Would be interesting to ask Brandon his Realmatic take on these other senses.


Edit: Given that Tin is understood to be one of the Internal Physical metals, it's interesting that it only works on external senses, and not (for example) balance, or the body's ability to judge it's own position and current state of muscle tension etc. (proprioception, which includes kinesthesia as mentioned by Phantom above). Tin has (so far) only been seen to work on senses of the outside world.


Interestingly, temperature sense, which is a distinctly different sense than that of touch, IS affected by tin (as shown by Spook when trapped in a burning house). It's distinctly NOT touch, as a) it doesn't require you to touch things to feel heat, and more scientifically, b ) uses different nerve cells.

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Edit: Given that Tin is understood to be one of the Internal Physical metals, it's interesting that it only works on external senses, and not (for example) balance, or the body's ability to judge it's own position and current state of muscle tension etc. (proprioception, which includes kinesthesia as mentioned by Phantom above). Tin has (so far) only been seen to work on senses of the outside world.


Interestingly, temperature sense, which is a distinctly different sense than that of touch, IS affected by tin (as shown by Spook when trapped in a burning house). It's distinctly NOT touch, as a) it doesn't require you to touch things to feel heat, and more scientifically, b ) uses different nerve cells.


Easy explanation: It's a Pulling metal. Imagine a line representing a boundary between your body and the outside world. Pewter pushes it outwards, making you bigger and tougher. You have a bigger impact. The reverse is to pull the outside world in to yourself. It gives the external world a bigger impact on you.

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Okay yeah, puritysense is a thing that's tied to breath?


As I've said before, I hesitate to respond TOO much to the things posted here, as I don't want to taint responses in any way.  I learn far more from observation than I do from interaction.  However, I will say that I didn't even think that people would get mind control from Vasher's actions in the last chapter, and I see that I'll have to think about that.  I just wanted to show that kids and animals like Vasher.  This relates to the magic system slightly, as I'm making some things that are superstition in our world (such as the prickly feeling you get when someone is watching you) realities here, as related to breath.  So, I allow the idea in our world that children and animals can sense purity to be a reality--via their Breath--in this world.  I'll have to think about how to explain this properly.


Though that's from the warbreaker draft thread, so not settled 100%.  Still, I think that establishes 'puritysense' as a separate sense... 


Man, a tin feruchemist who can sense the goodness in the hearts of men... superhero material right there.

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You're playing a dice game and you need to roll a 6. You burn atium right before you throw the dice. You see the die roll on to the table, then if it's not a 6, it'll create tons of atium shadows as you decide to cancel all the non-6 timelines before they happen. but then none of that even matters, because you can't even see how you're rolling them, you just see the possible dice outcomes.

What do you do? Burn electrum. Then remember that your future self has to give a thumbs-up beneath the table if it's a 6, and a thumbs down if not. So you see a few shadows of your own hand throwing invisible dice, along with your other hand giving the signals. If you see yourself give a thumbs-up, you roll it exactly the way you saw, get a 6, and give a thumbs up. That way, you always get what you want.

It'd also work if you have to pick a random card from the deck, but useless if you can only pick the top card. Think "thumbs-up for an ace".


I was thinking you could maybe use forging, as in "this die rolled a 6" or "this card has always been an ace" but you'd have to be pretty damnation sneaky or write in really really small font. It might work for Liar's Dice.

For drinking games, could you forge yourself to be sober?

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