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Musings on horses


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Something occurred to me today.  We know from WoB that horses are not native to Roshar.  So, how did they get there?  Did he mean not native in terms of the horses not originating on Roshar or that there were no horses at the time of the arrival of Cultivation and Honor?  I am inclined to interpret "not native" in the strictest sense (i.e., did not originate on Roshar). If that is correct, then the horses were obviously brought from somewhere else. 


I did not bat an eye at the prospect of carried objects being able to be transported via worldhopping, but horses are something else entirely.  To my way of thinking, this opens up a whole new aspect to worldhopping.  What might be the scope of what you can bring with you when you worldhop?  Can you take something living with you into Shadesmar?  What other means of worldhopping might there be other than traveling through Shadesmar?  What do you guys think?

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I really don't see much of a problem with taking a horse, or any animal, through Shadesmar.  You might have to use blinds and lead it, but I do not see why it would not be possible.


It could also be the same as humans not being native to Scadrial.

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Something occurred to me today.  We know from WoB that horses are not native to Roshar.  So, how did they get there?  Did he mean not native in terms of the horses not originating on Roshar or that there were no horses at the time of the arrival of Cultivation and Honor?  I am inclined to interpret "not native" in the strictest sense (i.e., did not originate on Roshar). If that is correct, then the horses were obviously brought from somewhere else. 


I did not bat an eye at the prospect of carried objects being able to be transported via worldhopping, but horses are something else entirely.  To my way of thinking, this opens up a whole new aspect to worldhopping.  What might be the scope of what you can bring with you when you worldhop?  Can you take something living with you into Shadesmar?  What other means of worldhopping might there be other than traveling through Shadesmar?  What do you guys think?



Do you have a reference for the emphasized part? 



I really don't see much of a problem with taking a horse, or any animal, through Shadesmar.  You might have to use blinds and lead it, but I do not see why it would not be possible.


It could also be the same as humans not being native to Scadrial.


I don't think it's that easy (using blinds and lead it). But, maybe, you're sort of joking here? 


The problem with bringing horses through shadesmar is that they won't stop talking about their feelings.


<sarcasm> That's a great joke! </sarcasm> 

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Do you have a reference for the emphasized part? 


I was basing that off of the reports of others.  After a semi-extensive search of both 17thshard.com forums and the theoryland database, this is what I found:






Pleiades- Was just reading through the list of questions, and one that I once asked but is not on there - I had asked him if humans and horses were native to Roshar, since everything else seems to be all crustacean-like. He said, "whoa, good question" and then told me RAFO.


Windrunner- I read a quote somewhere that Brandon confirmed that humans and horses are not native to Roshar.


Windrunner- A recent interview with Brandon indicates that it is humans and horses who aren't native to Roshar, not the other way around.



Elwynn- We actually had WoB that horses are indeed not native to Roshar.

Elwynn- I KNOW for a fact I have read a quote from sanderson along the lines of, "...humans and horses are not native to [Roshar]..." but now it seems to have gone *poof*. Zas, or WInd, help me out here. Why can't I find this quote? I know we have seen it before.

Windrunner- It's a common theory, but I'm not sure there's a quote... I'll keep looking for it, but I'm not sure it exists.




There were also a couple of speculative quotes (including one from you, Meg), but I did not include those because they did not really support that it is definitely WoB.  The person most certain is/was Elwynn.  In 2011 Windrunner was more certain than he is now.


So!  It is not definite that horses are not native to Roshar.  However, it seems likely that they would not be since the only other mammals we've seen (that I recall) are humans, Ryshadium, and rats.  This would be expected since mammals would not be particularly resistant to the highstorms.  I suspect we will find a vastly different variety of animals once we get a better picture of Shinovar since Shinovar is protected enough from highstorms (whether because of the surrounding mountains or the distance from the origin East to West). 


If horses are native to Roshar then I am rather certain that they must be from Shinovar or some other similarly storm-protected location.

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The problem with bringing horses through shadesmar is that they won't stop talking about their feelings.

And then they explode!

That's one of the old fake Way of Kings reviews, from back when Amazon had a page for the book years before it was released.

It looks like the review isn't attached to Way of Kings anymore, but I always remember it still...

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