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Posts posted by Peet

  1. 16 hours ago, SwordNimiForPresident said:

    This is actually one of the only reasons I would ever want a sex scene written into one of Brandon's books. His books are very PG when it comes to sex, so actually seeing an intimate scene is unlikely. The lack of sex in his books is actually a major plus for me, because I often find sex scenes in fantasy to be completely irrelevant to the plot. That being said it would be interesting to see how some of the different magics work into the characters sex lives.

    Mistborn spoilers since this is Stormlight.

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    If we're voting on who has the best sex powers I'm going with Mistborn. Tin, pewter, zinc, brass and bendally (for a really really quick quicky). Vin and Elend's sex life must have really been something..


    I hadn't considered the mistborn possibilities, but I agree. 


    Omg bendalloy speed humps






  2. 43 minutes ago, Jofwu said:

    I've personally been STRONGLY insistent that we should include the "The" in these acryonyms. It's not WoK. It's TWoK. I'd argue that, for the sake of clarity, we should encourage people to call this one TRoW rather than RoW. (assuming the title sticks) People are still going to use RoW of course. But I'll be pushing for TRoW as much as possible myself. :)

    I trow not. ;-) 

  3. On 11/23/2018 at 8:04 PM, Wit Beyond Measure said:

    So, Skyward tells us several times that most burned out Krell ships are empty, which jives with what we learn at the end when Spensa discovers that the Krell are "prison guards who fly mostly unmanned drones."  However, some Krell ships contain burned out armor with no bodies inside.  Those nutrient baths could be consumed by the fires, but what about the creatures inside?  Would there be nothing left?  Is Doomslug the only one who survived?  

    I know I'm a month late to the party, but maybe they FTL'ed the heck out of there.

    Instead of an eject lever, they use FTL to get out. But contrary to her training, Doomslug thought she could recover from an uncontrolled descent and though she survived, there were other consequences. She's been surviving on mushrooms and other things since then and can only FTL short distances due to the crash and lack of all the nutrients that were in the bath. Varvax Cobb was very disappointed. "If you are in an uncontrolled descent, you FTL! You hear me! You scudding FTL!"

  4. When reading about Nin in Oathbringer, a few questions came to mind.

    Does being Radiant and wielding an honorblade that grants the same surges make those abilities extra powerful in any way? 

    What happens to his spren when he is sent to Damnation? Does it go with him to be tortured also, or stay behind? Did he ever go to that place between desolations while bonded to a spren, or has he only bonded his spren in the last 4500 years?


  5. I'm not sure about the correct terms to use, but we all have read about how Lift converts food to stormlight to power her awesomeness.

    There seems to be some indication that she cannot breathe in or invest stormlight like other surgebinders.

    From Words of Radiance, she is puzzled as to why Darkness is having gems moved:


    “This one is not your concern,” Darkness said to the guards, waiting as one of his minions did the strange gemstone-moving sequence. Why did they worry about that?

    From Oathbringer, after all the scattered gemstones have been infused by Dalinar, we get this:


    “Lift, I believe I already gave you an order. Take the assassin and get me that ruby. Together, we hold this city until Renarin returns with troops. Any questions?”

    “Um…” Lift said. “Could you maybe … tell me where to get something to eat…?”

    Dalinar glanced at her. Something to eat? “There … should be a supply dump just inside the wall.”


    There is loads of stormlight all around, but she asks where the food is so that she can eat to be sure she has enough awesomeness to complete her task.

    Despite her being far enough along on her progression as an Edgedancer to summon a shardfork, I don't believe we have any onscreen evidence of her breathing in stormlight.

    I originally thought she simply hadn't learned how yet, but it seems unlikely at this point that she hasn't seen how other surgebinders do it, especially after the Battle of Thaylenah.

    If I simply missed when she has breathed in stormlight, please point out to me.

    It seems possible that if part of her boon from Cultivation or the Nightwatcher was what allows her to convert food to stormlight, then maybe part of her curse or cost was to not be able to breathe in stormlight.

    Let me know what you think! 


    55 minutes ago, aemetha said:

    Well the problem with a Sprenshardbow is you'd need Sprenshardarrows to make the most of it. Spren can't divide themselves into separate weapons from what we know.

    Remembering how quickly Syl changed forms in the Kaladin vs. Szeth fight at the end of WoR, I'm imagining a Sprenshardbow that is drawn, then as it is released, the bow disappears, replaced by the Sprenshardarrow that flies toward the target. Then the arrow disappears as the bow appears back in the radiant's hands as they draw back again. Rinse & repeat.

  7. On 11/17/2017 at 1:02 PM, WhiteLeeopard said:

    If this is the case I don't think she is keeping it a secret on purpose. The line "looking completely nonplussed"

    made it seem Jasnah was as shocked as Adolin at what had just happened. Its possible this was the first time she used Shardplate or that she did it by accident and had no idea what she had just done. However that paragraph does seem to imply she might have Shardplate, nice catch!

    This use of nonplussed apparently means unperturbed / unfazed.

  8. 28 minutes ago, PeterAhlstrom said:

    It means unperturbed. We had a lot of discussions about this wording, but this is the way Brandon uses it and I'm fine with that. I also find it a mischaracterization when people say the old meaning and the new meaning are completely opposite. Nonplussed does not mean surprised in the old meaning, it means confused. Confused and bothered are not synonyms.

    Thanks for the clarification. A few of the dictionaries I looked at say nonplussed means, "surprised, confused, and not certain how to react." Perhaps the two meanings are not completely opposite but they are different enough to cause confusion.

  9. On page 1150 of the ebook, does this use of "nonplussed" mean surprised? I only ask because in recent years in North America people have started using it with a meaning completely opposite from its definition, and Jasnah has been characterized as one who often appears unfazed. I'm confused as to whether she is surprised, or unperturbed. 

  10. I pre-ordered with amazon in January, selected the "2-day" free shipping with my prime membership, and it said it would arrive on release day.

    Yesterday it was saying estimated delivery was March 6th. Today it says it has shipped, is in transit to the carrier facility, and estimated delivery is March 5th.

    I suspect after it has reached the carrier facility, it will update again to say it will be delivered March 4th. Amazon's estimated delivery dates can be wonky.

    Regardless I ordered the ebook in addition to the hardcover, so I should be covered.

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